
Infrared thermal wave imaging for nondestructive detection and measurement of the C/SiC composites

  • 摘要: 在C/SiC复合材料板上钻直径和深度不同的盲孔,模拟材料表面下的孔洞缺陷。利用红外热波检测技术对C/SiC缺陷试样盲孔缺陷的孔径和深度做定量检测,并与X射线照相及CT检测结果相比较。结果表明:红外热波检测适合C/SiC复合材料内部缺陷的检测,可同时定量检测C/SiC复合材料中缺陷的大小和深度,并能弥补X射线照相及CT检测的不足。缺陷直径测量误差随着缺陷孔径的增大而减小,随着缺陷深度的增加而增大;缺陷深度测量误差随着缺陷孔径的增大而减小,但在一定范围内随着缺陷深度的增加而减小。红外热波检测C/SiC复合材料孔洞缺陷存在定量测量的下限。


    Abstract: C/SiC composites drilled with the blind holes of various diameters and various depths were prepared in order to simulate defects of air voids or delaminations under the surface of the material. Thermographic technique,due to its high sensitivity to thermal radiation ability of different materials,was utilized to detect sizes and locations of the defects in specimens. The detection resolution,advantages and disadvantages of thermographic technique were compared with those of X-ray radiography and X-ray CT. The results indicate that thermographic technique is able to detect the geomet ries,dimensions and depths of the defects in C/SiC composite. For the blind holes with the same depth,the measurement error of diameter and depth increases as the diameters decrease;for the blind holes with the same diameter,the measurement error of diameter increases as the depths decrease,but the measurement error of depths reduces. The thermographic quantitative measurement of blind holes in C/SiC composites has a lower limit.


