
Mechanical behavior of Fe-based amorphous ribbons-glass fibers

  • 摘要: 针对铁基非晶条带-玻璃纤维混杂增强树脂基复合材料,研究了表面处理、热处理对非晶条带力学性能的影响,在此基础上选取了适宜的树脂基体,制备了混杂复合材料,测试了基本力学性能并分析了破坏模式。结果表明:酸蚀表面处理对条带的拉伸性能影响很小,但改变了条带的表面形貌和表面能,从而提高了条带与树脂的粘结性能;混杂复合材料纵向拉伸弹性模量符合混合定律,横向拉伸弹性模量主要由非晶条带贡献,并且非晶条带的承载对混杂复合材料的横向拉伸强度起到了一定的作用;弯曲破坏和剪切破坏均产生受压侧纤维层与非晶条带的分层以及纤维断裂。


    Abstract: Hybrid composites reinforced with Fe-based amorphous ribbons and glass fibers were manufactured and mechanical properties were studied. Influences of surface treatment and heat treatment of ribbons on their properties were investigated. The failure mechanism of the hybrid composite was analyzed. The surface of the ribbon was roughened and its surface energy was increased,the bonding st rength between ribbon and different resins was increased by surface treatment,while axial tensile properties of the ribbon did not change a lot. The longitudinal elastic modulus obeys the rule of mixture while the transverse tensile strength and modulus are mainly contributed by amorphous ribbons. Delamination between fiber layer and ribbon layer as well as fracture of fiber in the compressed side was observed in the flexure and interlaminar shear specimens.


