
Damage orientation detection of composite lamination using variation of frequency dactylogram

  • 摘要: 在复合材料固化之前,将一定尺寸的聚酰亚胺薄膜插入复合材料结构中模拟复合材料的脱层损伤。采用自由振动方法测定含有损伤和无损伤复合材料悬臂梁的前三阶固有频率,应用频率指纹对复合材料脱层损伤进行识别。识别结果表明,利用结构的频率数据可以构造出一些仅与损伤位置有关,而与结构损伤程度无关的频率指纹。利用这样一些频率指纹可以进行结构损伤的定位。该方法简单可行,为复合材料结构损伤的无损检测提供了一条有效途径。


    Abstract: The polyimide films were placed into composites before solidifying in order to simulate the composite laminations damage. The inherent frequency of the composites with and without damage was tested by using the free vibration method. The damage positions of the composite laminations were identified by using the frequency dactylogram. The detection results show that the frequency dactylogram can be constructed using the frequency data of structures,which is only related with the positions of damage and not the degree of structural damage. The orientation of structural damage can be carried through making use of such frequency dactylogram. The method is proved easy and efficient in solving composites damage problems.


