
Simulation on curing warpage deformation of composite T-shaped integrated structure

  • 摘要: 针对复合材料T型整体化结构固化成型的工艺过程,分析了结构经固化而导致翘曲变形的原因;建立了整体化结构翘曲变形预测的理论模型及分析方法; 运用有限单元法计算了T型结构件的内部温度和固化度的分布,以及由于内部化学反应放热、固化引起的体积收缩和材料各个方向热膨胀系数的不一致而导致的结构翘曲变形量,同时考虑了树脂在固化过程中材料参数随着固化度的变化而变化;并研究了翘曲变形与T型结构件尺寸之间的关系。研究表明,选择合适的角材高度、宽度以及倒角半径可以有效地降低结构的翘曲变形。


    Abstract: According to the curing process of composite T-shaped integrated st ructures,the mechanism of the
    warpage deformation was analyzed and an theoretical model was established. Some important cure properties of the T-shaped structure were calculated using the finite element method,such as the internal temperature and the degree of cure , the warpage deformation due to internal exothermic chemical reaction and volume shrinkage. The evolution of material parameters was also considered while the degree of cure was varied,and the relationship between the geometry size and the warpage deformation was studied. The results show that a suitable geometry size of the T-shaped composite structure can reduce the warpage deformation during the curing process.


