
Oxidation kinetics of ZrO2-C-ZrB2 composites

  • 摘要: 通过差热-热重分析研究了ZrB2含量为10 %的ZrO2-C-ZrB2复合材料在800~1100℃下空气中的氧化动力学,根据气固相反应原理建立氧化动力学模型,计算反应表观活化能,并得到氧化速率与温度的经验关系式。结果表明,试样在 800℃时的氧化过程仅有化学反应控速阶段与化学反应和气体扩散共同作用的混合控速阶段。900~1100℃的氧化过程为前期是化学反应控速阶段,中期为混合控速阶段,后期为扩散控速阶段。三个阶段的表观活化能分别为111.7、71.5和166.0kJ·mol-1 。材料等温氧化的质量变化规律表明在900℃~1100℃内的氧化属于保护型氧化。


    Abstract: The oxidation kinetics of ZrO2-C2ZrB2 composites with 10% ZrB2 were investigated in the temperature range from 800 to 1100℃ in air by differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetry (TG) techniques. A mathematical model was proposed based on the reaction principle between gas and solid. The apparent activation energy and experimental expression of oxidation rate vs temperature were obtained. The results show that the oxidation process of the composites at 800℃can be controlled by two stages:chemical reaction-controlled process and then the mixture processes both chemical reaction-controlled and gas diffusion. However,the oxidation rate within 900~1100℃ is controlled by the chemical reaction at the initial stage;then both chemical reaction and diffusion at an intermediate stage and finally controlled only by diffusion. The apparent activation energy for the three stages was calculated and equal to 111.7,71.5 and 166.0kJ·mol-1 respectively. The rules of the unit area mass change as a function of isothermal processes for specimens indicate that the protective oxidation was performed during 900℃ to 1100℃.


