
Fabrication and flexural characteristics of ultra-lightweight integral composite truss structure

  • 摘要: 采用手工引导纤维束缠绕加高强纱绑束的成型工艺制备了截面形状为三角形的玻璃纤维/环氧全复合材料桁架。研究了芯模的设计与制造、缠绕与绑束操作、固化与脱模工艺,测试了由该工艺制得的复合材料桁架肋条的直径、纤维体积含量和拉伸强度、模量。以三点弯曲的加载方式测试了所制得的超轻质复合材料桁架的弯曲性能。结果表明,用手工引导纤维束缠绕加高强纱绑束的成型工艺制得的全复合材料桁架肋条的直径平均偏差为5.8%,纤维体积含量为64%,其拉伸强度和模量分别为747.5 MPa 和48.56 GPa,与模压工艺制得的单向复合材料相比分别提高了9%和15%。该超轻质(线密度 ≤1.0 kg/m)复合材料桁架整体抗弯载能力突出(失稳载荷达到2000 N),具有良好的结构刚度。


    Abstract: A glass-fiber/epoxy composite truss with the triangle section and without joints was fabricated by manually guided filament winding and hand-tying with high-strength glass-fiber yarns. The design and fabrication of the mandrel,the methods of winding and hand-tying and the curing and demolding process were discussed. In order to evaluate the manufacturing quality,the diameter,fiber volume fraction and tensile properties of the ribs of the composite truss were measured. A three-point bending test was also conducted for the integral composite truss in order to evaluate the capability of resisting bending. The results show that the average error of the diameter is about 5.8%. The average value of fiber volume fraction reaches 64%. The average tensile strength and modulus are 747.5 MPa and 48.56 GPa,respectively,which are 9% and 15% higher than those of the samples prepared by compression molding process. It indicates that the manufacturing method of the manually guided filament winding cooperated with hand-tying can fabricate the composite truss with high quality. The results of the three-point bending test show that the ultra-lightweight (line density ≤1. 0 kg/m) composite truss has a good integral flexural stiffness (the buckling load is about 2000 N) .


