
Preparation and performance of hydrolyzed collagen/low density polyethylene composites

  • 摘要: 为了探讨胶原蛋白(HC)和相容剂马来酸酐接枝低密度聚乙烯(LDPE-g-MAH)对聚合物材料性能产生的影响,以低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)为基体,用共混挤出的方法制备了HC/LDPE复合材料和HC/LDPE-MAH复合材料,并将复合材料注塑成不同规格样条。通过力学性能测试、SEM和热分析等表征方法研究了HC和LDPE-g-MAH含量对HC/LDPE及HC/LDPE-MAH复合材料结构和性能的影响。结果表明:当HC加入量为5wt%时,HC/LDPE复合材料拉伸强度达到最大值15.824 MPa;LDPE-g-MAH的加入可明显改善界面粘结性,提高材料力学性能及热稳定性,当HC含量为20wt%,LDPE-g-MAH含量为4wt%时,HC/LDPE-MAH复合材料的拉伸性能最优。


    Abstract: In order to investigate the influence of hydrolyzed collagen (HC) and compatibilizer maleic anhydride grafted low density polyethylene (LDPE-g-MAH) on property of polymer materials, using low density polyethylene (LDPE) as the matrix, HC/LDPE and HC/LDPE-MAH composites were prepared by co-blend and extrusion method, then the samples of different specifications by injection molding were made. Through mechanical property test, SEM and thermal analysis, the effect of HC and LDPE-g-MAH content on morphology and properties of HC/LDPE, HC/LDPE-MAH were studied. Results show that when 5wt% of HC is added into the composites, the tensile strength of HC/LDPE composites reaches its maximum value 15.824 MPa. The addition of LDPE-g-MAH can improve the interface bonding, mechanical properties and thermal stability evidently, when 20wt% of HC and 4wt% of LDPE-g-MAH are added into the composites, HC/LDPE-MAH composites can obtain the optimal tensile performance.


