
Ultrafine Ti(C1-xNx) powder derived from tetrabutyl titanate

  • 摘要: 以有机钛源钛酸四正丁酯(Ti(OC4H94)与纳米碳黑(C)为反应原料制备超细Ti(C1-xNx)粉体。经过计算可知两者理论质量比约为9.4:1,以m(Ti(OC4H94):m(C)=9:1混料,通过溶胶凝胶法制备烧结前驱体。利用高温碳热还原法,在N2气氛中,分别在不同温度下恒温烧结1 h,直接反应合成超细Ti(C1-xNx)粉体。结果发现,随温度升高,x 值逐渐降低,数值区间为0.19~0.72;产物组分中的总碳含量(Ct)逐渐增大,从14.23wt%增大到18.66wt%,游离碳含量(Cf)与氧含量(Co)均低于0.5wt%;产物平均粒度也呈增大趋势,平均粒度分布区间为220~275 nm。


    Abstract: The Ti(C1-xNx) powder was synthesized by utilization of tetrabutyl titanate (Ti(OC4H9)4) and nano carbon black (C) as raw materials, with their theory mass ratio of 9.4:1. Tetrabutyl titanate and carbon black with their mass ratio of m(Ti(OC4H9)4):m(C)=9:1, were mixed to prepare the sintering precursor through sol-gel process. Ultrafine Ti(C1-xNx) powder was obtained after calcination at various temperatures and N2 atmospheres for 1 h with the help of high temperature carbon thermal reductive reaction. The results show that, with increasing temperature, x values of Ti(C1-xNx) gradually reduce and range from 0.19 to 0.72. The content of total carbon(Ct) in the products increases from 14.23wt% to 18.66wt%, the contents of free carbon (Cf) and oxygen (Co) all remain below 0.5wt%. In addition, the particle sizes also show a trend of increase, in the range of 220 nm to 275 nm.


