
Layered shape and swelling behavior of silk sericin/Poly (NIPAm-LMSH) nano composite hydrogels

  • 摘要: 采用半互穿网络技术和原位自由基聚合将生物相容性和吸水性优良的丝胶蛋白(SS)引入聚异丙基丙烯酰胺-硅酸镁锂(Poly(NIPAm-LMSH))纳米复合凝胶网络,制得高溶胀度和快速响应的SS/Poly(NIPAm-LMSH)纳米复合凝胶,研究了丝胶含量对纳米复合凝胶的孔洞形态、溶胀动力学、结晶结构、相容性和稳定性的影响。结果表明:冷冻干燥后的SS/Poly(NIPAm-LMSH)水凝胶呈多孔结构,孔洞尺寸为20~30 μm,孔壁薄,为1~4 μm,且随丝胶含量增加而由多面体结构变为狭长形的层状结构。相比于溶胀平衡的纯纳米复合凝胶,丝胶的引入显著提高了其溶胀度,溶胀初期属于Non-Fickian扩散,37 ℃ 10 min内即可失去90%的水。丝胶在凝胶中具有良好的相容性,SS/Poly(NIPAm-LMSH)纳米复合凝胶的 Tg为141~144 ℃,最大热分解温度为365~373 ℃,质量残留率随丝胶含量的增加而增大。


    Abstract: The silk sericin/Poly(isopropylacrylamide-lithium magnesium silicate hydrate) (SS/Poly(NIPAm-LMSH)) nano composite hydrogels with high swelling ratios and rapid responsibility, via semi-interpenetrating network and in-situ radical polymerization, were prepared by introducing SS with good bio-compatibility and high water absorption into Poly(NIPAm-LMSH) nano composite hydrogel network. The effects of SS content on the pore morphology, swelling behavior, crystal structure, compatibility and stability of the resulting hydrogels were investigated. The results show that the SS/Poly(NIPAm-LMSH) hydrogels after freeze-drying present porous structure with large pore size 20-30 μm and thinner pore walls 1-4 μm. With increasing SS content, the pore shape turns to elongated and layered structure from polyhedral structure. Compared to pure Poly(NIPAm-LMSH) hydrogels in equilibrium swelling state, the addition of SS increases the swelling ratios, belonging to non-Fickian diffusion at the beginning of swelling process, and water was expelled 90% from the hydrogel matrix within 10 min at 37 ℃. The sericin in the hydrogels shows good compatibility and Tg at 141-144 ℃. The maximum thermal decomposition temperature of SS/Poly(NIPAm-LMSH) nanocomposite hydrogels is 365-373 ℃, and the mass remaining ratios increase with the addition of sericin content.


