通过MATLAB软件对陶瓷颗粒均匀分布的0-3型压电陶瓷/聚合物复合材料进行了建模, 通过有限元分析软件ANSYS, 研究了压电复合材料受力时内部应力分布及电荷分布状态, 同时研究了压电陶瓷颗粒体积分数及静态载荷变化时, 压电陶瓷/聚合物复合材料中压电陶瓷产生的最大节点电压的变化情况。研究表明: 压电陶瓷/聚合物复合材料在受力时, 压电相受到的应力远远大于聚合物相, 压电相棱角处受到的应力最大, 产生的电荷最多。随着压电陶瓷体积分数变化, 压电复合材料中压电陶瓷产生的最大节点电压也增加, 当压电陶瓷体积分数达到30%时, 产生的最大节点电压达到2.86×10-5 V。随着静态载荷的增加, 压电复合材料产生的最大节点电压呈线性增加, 阻尼效果越明显, 与文献中的实验结果吻合。
The model of ceramic particles uniform distributed 0-3 piezoelectric ceramic/polymer composites was built by MATLAB software and simulated by the finite element analysis software ANSYS, and the internal stress distribution and charge distribution of the piezoelectric composites in static load were studied. The changes of the maximum voltage produced by piezoelectric ceramic in the composites with the changes of the concentration of the piezoelectric ceramic particle and the static load were also investigated. It shows that when the piezoelectric composites is in static load, the stress of the piezoelectric phase recieved is far greater than that of polymer phase. The edges of the piezoelectric phase recieve the highest stress and the most charge is produced. With the increase of the piezoelectric ceramic volume fraction in the composites, the maximum voltage of the piezoelectric ceramic/polymer composites increases. When the piezoelectric ceramic volume fraction is up to 30%, the maximum voltage is as high as 2.86×10-5 V. With the increasing of the static load, the maximum voltage produced by piezoelectric composites increases linearly, and the damping effect is more obvious. The results show that the damping effect is in a good agreement with the published literature.