
Process parameters effect on the edgewise compressive behavior of repaired honeycomb sandwich structures

  • 摘要: 对三种方法修理后复合材料蜂窝夹芯板的侧压性能进行了试验研究, 结果表明, 不同修理方法均可以有效恢复试件的侧压强度, 所有试件侧压强度恢复率均在完好板强度的79%之上。使用k样本Anderson-Darling检验方法对试验结果进行分析, 比较固化温度及固化设备等工艺因素对修理后试件力学性能的影响。结果表明: 使用中温固化材料完成修理不会对修理结构的力学性能造成明显影响, 同时使用热压罐完成修理区域固化通常可以改善修理后试件的力学性能, 但改善程度与试件修理区域的有效高度密切相关; 此外修理时要尽量避免非对称结构引起的附加弯矩对承载能力造成的不利影响。


    Abstract: Three different repair methods were adopted in the paper to restore the mechanical performance of composite honeycomb sandwich panels with different initial damages, and an experimental study was conducted to compare the edgewise compressive capacities of repaired specimens. Test results demonstrate that all these repair methods can recover the edgewise compressive strength of specimens effectively, and the strength recoveries are all above 79% of the intact panel level. In order to analyze experimental results, k-sample Anderson-Darling test was introduced to investigate the influence of process parameters on edgewise compressive strength of repaired specimens. Test results show that middle-temperature cure can hardly affect the edgewise compressive performance of repaired specimens. However, the edgewise compressive strength is higher for specimens cured by autoclave, but the improve extent is influenced by the effective height of the repair region. Besides, unsymmetrical repair structures should be adopted cautiously to avoid the mechanical performance degradation induced by the additional bending moment.


