INVESTIGATIONS ON INTERFACE FOR FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITES PART Ⅴ: The Relationship Between the Stability of Carbon Fiber Composites to Thermalmoisture and Adhesion Interface
摘要: 本文研究了在热水浸环境中两种环氧树脂基体及其碳纤维复合材料的水扩散特征。研究结果表明,复合材科的扩散系数可用树脂基体的扩散系数来预测。还研究了水对复合材料的层间剪切强度、弯曲强度和断裂能的影响。在水浸下两种复合材料力学性能的降低速度取决于它们的水扩散系数。用扫描电镜观察复合材料断裂表面的结果表明,这些力学性能的变化同纤维-基体界面粘结的湿降解直接有关。层间剪切强度的积累性湿降解动力学表达式可用Halpin等提出的式子来表示。Abstract: The thermalmoisture diffusion characteristies of two kinds of epoxy resins and their carbon fiber reinforccd composite materials immersing in heated water were studied herein.The results showed that the value for compsoite diffusion coefficients could be predicted from the value of resin-matrix diffudion coefficients.