Filament winding is one significant technological melhnd for making high-strength composite materials and it can be widely employed for making,rocket generators,tubes and pressure vessels etc.in various industrial field (e.g.spacecrafl,aviation,building mantrteraals,chemical).The moving regularity of winding curved tube on a computer controlled filament winding machine is discussed in this paper.A enred tube represents a section of a torus.If point P (Fig.2) shows a position of the filameot.control and point M is a corresponding payout yarn point on the products,the line MP is the tangent to,the curve LM on the products at M,of which the tangents ventors is T.In consideratiow of geometrie relations of the differential element on the nerved.tube and change of the coordinate axes,we obtain the kinematic equations of the filament control for geodesic winding and non-geo-desic stable winding.The equations can be solved with the Runge-Kuttta method.The winding pattern design of the winding curved tube is,analyzed and the base for winding carved tube (for example 45 pipe,90 pipe,…) on a computer.controlled filameul winding machine is discussed.