In order to lmprove theh,gh temperature oxldatlon resistance of carbon/carbon composites,superfine slllcon carbide was added to carbon fiber fabrlc/phenolic aldehyde conlposites,and then sintered at hlgh temperature in the atmosphere of pure argon.A new composite——carbon fiber fabr,c reinforced SIC/C co-slntered alloy was developed. Thermogravlmetrlc analysls Indlcated that the oxidatlon reslstance of the slntered alloy at high temperature was several ten times hlgher than that of the carbon/carbon composites in use of the airplane brake-shoe.The rnaceratlon of the alloy with liquid phenolic aldehyde could highly enhance the denslty,mechanical propertles and high temperature oxidatlon reslstance of the alloy.In thls paper,the effects of the materlals ratio,the formation technology and the maceratlon on the mlcrostructure and propertles of the alloy were studied in detail.