A new SHS/QP instrument for the fabrication of composites has already been established. In the process, following the SHS reaction, when the sample is still in a red hot and softstate, a quick and high hydraulic force is applied on the sample, so that dense product can beobtained. Highest density is obtained, when pressing is applied to the sample immediately after the completion of the SHS reaction. Pressing applied before completion of the SHS reaction does not yield a dense product. There is a limitation on how much the relative density can be increased by increasing the pressing duration. Near theoretical density of TiC-25wt% Ni cermets was obtained with a high pressure > 110 MPa. Astructure form ation mechanism for the TiC-
xNi cermets made by SHS/QP was proposed. Dense cermets with good properties were made by optimizing the relevant parameters.