
An engineering approach to predict the bearing strength of single-bolted double-lapped joints in composite laminate

  • 摘要: 将上限理论应用到复合材料层合板单钉双剪连接挤压强度分析中, 把连接结构的位移场划分为动态区域(层合板)和静态区域(紧固件), 并认为失效发生在位移可动场和不动场之间的钉孔边受挤压部分。由于受挤压孔孔边各层应力状态不一样, 受挤压孔边各层的失效区域和失效模式也各不相同。从宏观上研究复合材料层合板单钉连接孔边的失效区域和失效模式, 结合上限理论提出了一种估算复合材料单钉连接挤压强度的工程算法。通过与试验结果对比, 发现该方法能较好地预测出复合材料单钉双剪连接挤压强度。


    Abstract: The upper bound theory was applied to analysis the bearing strength of single-bolted double-lapped joints in composite laminate. The displacement rate of the composite laminate was divided into moving zone(the composite laminate) and the static zone(the fastener). The failure occurred in the discontinuous region of the moving zone and the static zone, which were the bearing zone of the bolted-hole. Because of the different distribution of stress in each layer near the bearing hole, the failure regions and failure modes were also different. The failure regions and failure modes around the pin-loaded hole were studied, and an engineering approach was presented for the bearing strength of single-bolted double-lapped joints in composite laminate with the upper bound theory. Compared with the results of the single bolt-joint test, the new engineering formula could estimate the bearing strength of the single-bolted double-lapped joints in composite laminate suitably.


