采用粉末冶金技术制备了铁族金属(Ni、 Co、 Fe)掺杂的R2O-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2系陶瓷结合剂。研究了添加不同铁族金属对R2O-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2系陶瓷结合剂耐火度、 流动性、 微观结构、 氧化性能以及抗折强度的影响。结果表明: 结合剂耐火度随着金属Co粉添加量的增加而升高, 在Fe粉的添加量小于20%(质量分数, 下同)时结合剂耐火度有明显的降低趋势, Ni粉的加入对陶瓷结合剂耐火度影响不大; 在空气气氛下750℃烧结时, 所添加的金属粉均有部分发生氧化, 氧化程度为Fe>Co>Ni; 添加金属粉后结合剂抗折强度均有不同程度的提高, 其中添加25%Co的结合剂强度最高, 达到75.42 MPa, 所添加的金属颗粒与陶瓷结合剂结合紧密程度为Co>Ni>Fe。
Iron group metals (Ni, Co, Fe)-doped R2O-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 vitrified bond were produced by special powder metallurgy technique. The effect of iron group metals (Ni, Co, Fe) on the refractoriness, fluidity, oxidation, interface and bending strength in the system of R2O-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 vitrified bond was studied. The results show that it has little effect on the refractoriness of the vitrified bond with the addition of Ni, but the refractoriness increases with the addition of Co and significantly decreases less than the addition of 20%Fe. When sintering at 750℃ in air, the added metal powders are partly oxidized and the degree of the oxidation is Fe>Co>Ni. The bending strength of vitrified bond increases with different degree by adding metal powders. When the mass fraction of Co is 25%, the bending strength of vitrified bond reaches the maximum value of 75.42 MPa. The close degree for the added metal powders with vitrified bond is Co>Ni>Fe.