
Microstructure and properties of deformation-processed Cu-11Cr-0.07Ag in situ composite

  • 摘要: 采用熔铸-中间热处理-变形工艺制备了形变Cu-11Cr-0.07Ag原位复合材料, 利用扫描电镜、数字微欧计及液晶电子拉力试验机研究了材料的微观组织、力学性能和导电性能。结果表明: 随着冷加工变形量的增加, 铸态无序分布的Cr枝晶状组织逐渐转为沿线拉方向排列, 形成定向排列的Cr纤维, 抗拉强度大幅提高, 电导率略有下降。经适当冷加工变形和中间热处理后的形变Cu-11Cr-0.07Ag原位复合材料具有较好的强度和电导率匹配。冷加工变形量为8时, 其抗拉强度和电导率分别达到851 MPa和73.9% IACS。


    Abstract: Deformation-processed Cu-11Cr-0.07Ag in situ composite was prepared by the cast and the thermo-mechanical treatment process. The microstructure, mechanical and electrical properties were investigated by scanning electronic microscope, tensile-testing machine and microhmmeter. The results indicate that, with increasing cold deformation strain, the initially randomly distributed Cr dendrites in the as-cast Cu-11Cr-0.07Ag alloy transform into Cr fibres of the deformation-processed in situ composite aligned parallel to the drawing axis, and the tensile strength increases, while the conductivity decreases. The good combination of strength and conductivity of the deformation-processed Cu-11Cr-0.07Ag in situ composite is achieved by using the proper cold deformation and heat treatment. The composite achieves a tensile strength of 851 MPa and a conductivity of 73.9% IACS when the cold deformation strain is 8.


