Micro-structure of composites with randomly distributed particles on the impact of the effective thermal conductivity parameters
摘要: 结合建立的颗粒随机分布复合材料的微结构模型和基于均匀化理论统计的双尺度计算方法, 针对氮化硼颗粒增强高密度聚乙烯(BN/HDPE)复合材料, 研究了颗粒形状、体积分数和空间分布参数等微结构特征对复合材料有效热传导系数的影响。结果表明: 颗粒体积分数的增加将导致有效热传导系数升高; 球形颗粒的位置参数、长椭球颗粒的取向程度都对有效热传导系数有重要影响。数值试验表明, 材料的微结构特征对复合材料的有效热传导系数具有极大影响。Abstract: Combined with micro-structure of composite materials with random distribution of particles and a statistical two-scale analysis method based on the homogenization theory, the effects of particle shape, volume fraction and spatial distribution parameters on the effective thermal conductivity parameters (ETCP) were analyzed based on BN reinforced high-density polyethylene (BN/HDPE) composites. The results show that ETCP increase with the volume fraction of particles increasing and also are severely affected by the location parameter of spherical particles and the orientation parameter of prolate ellipsoidal particles. It shows that characteristics of micro-structure have great influence on ETCP.