Effects of temperature on interfacial property of carbon fiber / epoxy resin using single fiber fragmentation energy method
摘要: 针对两种不同上浆剂碳纤维/高温固化环氧树脂体系, 采用基于WND(Wagner-Nairn-Detassis)能量模型的单丝断裂法, 测试分析了从室温到130 ℃范围内单丝复合体系界面断裂能的变化规律, 研究了碳纤维上浆剂对界面耐热性能的影响, 并结合复合材料层板的短梁剪切性能, 分析了微观和宏观界面性能的关联性。结果表明: 在测试温度范围内, 碳纤维/环氧体系的界面断裂能随温度升高呈先下降而后基本不变的趋势, 去除上浆剂后界面断裂能及其随温度的变化程度与未去除上浆剂的情况存在差异, 说明上浆剂对界面耐热性有重要作用。碳纤维/环氧树脂层板层间剪切强度随温度升高线性下降, 与界面断裂能的变化规律不一致, 这与两种测试方法的原理及界面破坏位置的不同有关。Abstract: By using single fiber fragmentation test(SFFT) based on WND (Wagner-Nairn-Detassis) energy model, the effects of temperature from ambient temperature to 130 ℃ on the interface fracture energy of two different kinds of sizing carbon fibers/ high temperature cured epoxy resin were investigated, and the effects of the sizing of carbon fibers on the heat resistance of the interphase was studied. Comparing with the short beam shear test, the relationship between micro and macro interfacial properties was analyzed. The results indicate that the interfacial fracture energy of the carbon fiber/epoxy resin decreases at the beginning and then almost unchanges from ambient temperature to 130 ℃. The interface fracture energy of the desized fibers and the effect of temperature are different from the case of the sized fibers, indicating that the sizing plays an important role on the heat resistance of interface. The interlaminar shear strength of the studied carbon fiber/epoxy laminates decreases linearly with increasing temperature, not according with the variation of the interface fracture energy. This is mainly attributed to the differences in the test principles of the two methods and the different damage locations of the interface.