
Effect of the Karstedt catalyst on flame retardant performances of polysiloxane/PC composite

  • 摘要: 采用水解缩合法制备了三官能结构的聚硅氧烷阻燃剂。采用氧指数仪、 锥形量热仪、 TGA、 热裂解-气相色谱/质谱(PY-GC/MS)和SEM研究了Karstedt催化剂(KC)对聚硅氧烷/聚碳酸酯(PC)复合材料热性能和阻燃性能的影响, 并研究了该复合体系的阻燃机制。结果表明: 在热裂解过程中KC促进了含乙烯基聚硅氧烷的交联, 增强了聚硅氧烷/PC复合材料的耐热性能; KC抑制了聚硅氧烷/PC复合材料在燃烧过程的热释放, 使材料的烟、 CO、 CO2产生过程延后, 且峰值降低, 提高了聚硅氧烷/PC的阻燃性能, 降低了材料燃烧的危害性。但KC对聚硅氧烷/PC复合材料的极限氧指数(LOI)的影响较复杂, 其LOI不仅取决于残炭量, 还与燃烧炭层结构有关, 在保持一定残炭量下, 若KC使聚硅氧烷/PC的燃烧炭层更致密、 均匀, 则材料的LOI提高。


    Abstract: Trifunctional polysiloxane flame retardants were synthesized through hydrolysis condensation reaction. The influence of the Karstedt catalyst (KC) on the polysiloxane/PC composite and the flame retarding mechanism were studied using limiting oxygen index (LOI) test, cone calorimeter, TGA, PY-GC/MS and SEM. The results show that the KC promotes the crosslinking of the trifunctional polysiloxane containing vinyl groups and increases the thermal stability of the polysiloxane/PC composite. Furthermore, KC restrains the release of the combustion heat of the polysiloxane/PC composite, which delays the emission of smoke, CO and CO2 and reduces the peak of the emission of smoke. Thus the flame retardancy of the polysiloxane/PC composite is enhanced and the danger for combustion is reduced. However, the effect of KC on the LOI of the polysiloxane/PC composite is quite complicated. The LOI of the polysiloxane/PC composite with KC depends not only on the amount of the char, but also on the structure of the char layer. KC could promote the formation of more compact and uniform char layer of the polysiloxane/PC composite during the combustion, thus the LOI of the composite is increased.


