
Preparation and blood-compatibility of starch/PVA blend films

  • 摘要: 在无化学处理的条件下制备出淀粉/聚乙烯醇(PVA)复合膜, 进行了力学性能、 溶胀度及红外光谱测试, 并通过溶血试验、 动态凝血试验、 血小板消耗试验对复合膜的血液相容性进行了表征。研究结果表明, 通过共混改性把淀粉引入到PVA中, 改善了力学性能和血液相容性。当PVA与淀粉的质量比为4∶1时, 复合膜的抗拉强度为13.73 MPa, 抗拉应变率为43.07%, 性能最佳。


    Abstract: The starch/polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) composite membranes were prepared through blending PVA with starch without any chemical treatment. The starch/PVA membranes were characterized by the mechanical assay, swelling test and FTIR analysis. The blood-compatibility of the blending films was evaluated by using the hemolysis assay, dynamic coagulation time and platelet consumption. The results show that the mechanical properties and blood-compatibility of composite membranes are improved as blending starch into PVA. When the mass ratio of PVA and starch is 4∶1, the composite films have quite good tensile strength and tensile strain, reaching to 13.73 MPa and 43.07% respectively, more excellent than those of other composite membranes.


