摘要: 对空心玻璃微珠填充环氧树脂复合泡沫材料进行了准静态压缩实验, 研究了材料的宏观压缩力学性能, 并提出了弹性模量和屈服强度的预测公式。此外, 对压缩试件的断口进行了宏、细观观察, 研究了材料的压缩破坏机理。结果表明, 复合泡沫材料在压缩过程中, 具有普通泡沫材料的应力-应变曲线的典型特征, 在应变为2 %左右时材料发生屈服, 在应变大于30 %后发生破坏。此外, 材料的杨氏模量和强度均随密度的减小而下降, 预测公式给出的结果与实验值基本一致。压缩试件断口的宏、细观观察表明, 复合泡沫材料主要的破坏形式为剪切引起的弹塑性破坏。Abstract: The compressive mechanical properties of epoxy syntactic foam reinforced with hollow glass microspheres are studied by quasi-static compression test s. Some predicting formulae of Young’s modulus and yieldst rength of syntactic foam are proposed based on the result s of composite mechanics. In addition , the failure mechanism of syntactic foam is investigated by macroscopic and microscopic observation of f ractured specimens. The result s show that the deformation characteristics of syntactic foams are very similar to those of plain foams duringcompression. The syntactic foam is yielded when the st rain reaches about 2 % and it is collap sed when the st rain islarger than 30 %. Furthermore , the Young’s modulus and yield st rength of syntactic foam are decreased with thedecrease of density of material , and the predicted result s of formulae are basically in agreement with the experimental data. The macroscopic and microscopic observation of f ractured specimens indicates that the main failure mode iselasto-plastic collap se caused by shear.
- syntactic foam /
- mechanical properties /
- compression /
- failure mechanism /
- epoxy resin
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