为了消除热压成型过程中的气泡, 初步研究了气泡从织物层中穿出的形态变化过程, 从压力的角度分析了气泡穿出的驱动力, 同时探讨了外加压力、树脂粘度、气泡大小、网格面积以及铺层层数等对气泡穿出行为的影响。研究结果表明, 气泡主要随着树脂的流动而从织物中穿出的; 对于同一大小的气泡, 树脂粘度越低、铺层层数越少、网格面积越大, 气泡穿出所需的外加临界压力越小; 当树脂粘度和外加压力一定时, 大气泡比小气泡更容易从织物中穿出。该研究结果为热压成型过程中气泡运动模型的建立提供了实验依据。
In order to eliminate the bubble during the autoclave curing of composites , the shape changing processof bubbles during t raversing through the monolayer fabric was studied preliminarily , and the driving force for themoving of bubbles was described based on the pressure. The effect s of the viscosity of resin , the size of the bubble ,the external pressure , the inter-space area as well as the number of layers on the t raversing behavior of bubbles werealso studied. The result s show that bubble t raverses through the layers by the flow of resin ; for a single void , thelower the viscosity of the resin is , the less the layers are , the larger the inter-space size is and the easier it is for thebubble to t raverse through the layers. Under the same condition it is easier for a large bubble to t raverse through thelayers than for a small one. These result s will provide the basis for establishing the bubble movement model in thehot-compaction process.