Computer simulation of low-velocity impact processof the composite laminate with defect
摘要: 用自编的动态有限元分析程序APIC 对含缺陷的复合材料层合板的冲击损伤问题进行了模拟计算。该程序采用三维20 节点超单元分析了复合材料层合板内的应力分布, 通过修正后的C. T. Sun 的接触定律建立了冲击物和层合板的运动状态与冲击接触力之间的关系, 采用Wilson-θ法求解层合板和冲击物的运动微分方程。在处理层间分层缺陷问题时, 采用拉格朗日乘子法使预制分层缺陷界面上满足不可互相贯穿条件。对本文中的计算结果和试验结果进行比较表明: 模拟计算结果与试验结果有良好的一致性。相对于无缺陷层合板, 含预制分层缺陷的复合材料层合板在分层部位遭受冲击时, 分层缺陷对冲击损伤扩展有一定的抑制作用。Abstract: Computer simulation of the low-velocity impact process of the composite laminate with prefabricateddefect was performed to demonst rate the impact process and damage progress in detail. A finite element programwritten in FORTRAN was developed to analyze the t ransient dynamic response of composite plates. The Hertziancontact law was modified in order to accommodate the serious damage in the plate. The Wilson-scheme was adoptedto perform time integration for the motion equations of the impactor and composite plate system. The Lagrange multiplier method was used to deal with dynamic contact problems. The result s of computer simulation including theforce history and delamination areas were found to correlate well with the experiment s. The experiment and calculationresults show that the delamination defects in the laminates have the effect that prevents the propagation of delamination.