Low-velocity impact damage analysis in carbon fiber reinforcedcomposite laminated plates
摘要: 建立了一个有效计算模型, 以分析碳纤维复合材料层合板在低速冲击作用下的层内和层间失效行为。针对铺层板的层内损伤, 在基于应变描述的Hashin 失效准则的基础上, 建立了单层板的逐渐累积损伤分析模型;针对铺层板的脱层损伤, 建立了各向同性脱层损伤模型, 通过结合传统的应力失效准则和断裂力学中的能量释放率准则定义了界面损伤演化规律, 并在潜在产生脱层的区域模拟为粘结接触, 并将脱层损伤模型作为界面的接触行为。该计算模型通过商用有限元软件ABAQUS/ Explicit 的用户子程序实现。使用该计算模型对碳纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料层合板在横向低速冲击作用下的损伤和变形行为进行预测分析。数值仿真的结果与试验结果进行了比较, 取得了满意的结果, 验证了该模型的正确性。Abstract: A reliable computational procedur e was established for simulating the laminate fa ilure. Employing ast rain-based failur e criterion, it was modif ied from H ashin failur e cr iterion as well as the concept of progressive stiffness degr adation to model the intr alaminar failure. An appr oach to predict the initiation and propagation of interlaminar damage ( delamination) is brought forwar d based on the contact constr aint introduced by the penalty functionmet hod: a scalar damage variable is intr oduced and the degradation of the interface st iffness is established and adamage sur face which combines st ress-based and f racture-mechanics-based failure cr iter ia is set up to derive the damage evolut ion law. Both the intr alaminar and int erlaminar models are implement ed into a commercial finit e elementcode, ABAQUS/ Explicit, via it s user subroutines respectively. Numer ical prediction is carr ied out on carbon-epoxylaminate plates due to tr ansver sely low velocit y impact. Good agr eement between exper imental results and numericalresults is obtained.