According to the analysis of deformation and damage model of FRC laminates after ballistic impact , atwo phase theoretical penet ration model was presented , based on the impulsive dynamics and st ress wave propagation analysis , which includes a shear penet ration phase and the consecutive penet ration phase. The transient t rapezium deformation cone model was int roduced firstly in this article , and the interaction between projectile and targetin the consecutive penet ration phase was discussed by this model. The calculation code by V2Fort ran was compiledand the calculation result s were perfect compared with experimental result s. When the initial velocity is 300 ~900 m/ s , the difference is less than 50 m/ s. The emergence and come-into-being mechanisms of some experimentalphenomena , such as t rapezium deformation cone , petal breakage on back face and the difference in the damage modelbetween FRCps f ront and back faces , have been made clear now , and some new ways and rules , which can be infavor of improving ballistic resistance capability of FRC , are put forward , such as : reduce the content of mat rix andthe interlaminate st rength or increase the shearing resistance of f ront layers , etc.