
Frequency spectral analysis for the ultrasonic attenuation ofcarbon f iber reinforced plastics

  • 摘要: 采用反射法对两组不同碳纤维复合材料试块进行了超声检测, 并用快速傅立叶变换( FFT) 方法分析了信号的频域特征。结果表明: 超声衰减系数与频率之间存在线性关系, 而且其斜率随孔隙率的增大而增大。孔隙对超声波的衰减作用使超声信号的峰值降低、频宽变窄且使中心频率降低。超声信号矩心频率的偏移与孔隙率之间、超声衰减率与孔隙率之间均呈线性关系。频域内的特征量与孔隙率之间的线性关系为建立正确的孔隙率频域检测模型提供了基础。


    Abstract: The pulse -echo technique was used to obtain the ult rasonic measurement of two different group s ofcarbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) samples , and FFT algorithm was used for f requency spect ral analysis. Theattenuation coefficient shows approximately linear behaviour with f requency over the frequency range used , and theattenuation slope increases with the void content . The attenuation effect s of voids were shown by the dropped amplitude , the downshif ted position and the decreased bandwidth of the center peak. The results indicate that linearrelationships hold between the cent roid f requency shift , the at tenuation slope and the void content , and theserelationships will aid the model development for void content detection using frequency spect ralanalysis.


