NiCo/ PTFE 复合膜的制备及表征

Preparation and characterization of NiCo/ PTFE magnetic composite membrane

  • 摘要: 以N2H4 为还原剂, 采用化学镀和模板技术相结合的方法制备出NiCo/ PTFE 磁性复合膜。研究了磁性复合膜制备的适宜条件, 利用DSC、SEM、XRD、VSM 等手段对膜的结构和磁性能进行表征和测试。结果表明:在Co2+ 0. 14 mol/ L 、Ni2+ 0. 06 mol/ L 、NaOH 1. 00 mol/ L 、N2H4 0. 40 mol/ L 、反应温度70 ℃、反应时间70 min条件下制备的NiCo/ PTFE 磁性复合膜具有较优良的磁性能, 其单位质量磁化率χm = 0116 cm3 / g , 饱和磁化强度Ms = 83. 38 Am2 / kg , 剩磁Mr = 29. 31 Am2 / kg , 矫顽力Hc = 111. 47 Oe ; PTFE 膜孔中及膜表面上原位生成与基膜无化学键作用的磁性Ni 、Co 金属粒子。复合膜具有软磁材料的内禀性能。


    Abstract: On the basis of template and elect roless methods , NiCo/ PTFE magnetic composite membranes were prepared with N2H4 as reducing agent . The paper studied the optimum preparation conditions and characterized st ructures and magnetic properties of the membranes by DSC , SEM , XRD , VSM. The result s show that magnetic composite membranes with susceptibility of 0. 16 cm3 / g have ferromagnetic property (Ms = 83. 38 Am2 / kg , Mr = 29. 31Am2 / kg , Hc = 111. 47 Oe) , which are obtained f rom solution of 0. 14 mol/ L Co2+ , 0. 06 mol/ L Ni2+ , 1. 00 mol/ LNaOH , 0140 mol/ L N2H4 at 70 ℃and 70 min. Magnetic Ni and Co particles appear in the pores and on the surfaceof PTFE membranes , and no chemical bonds are found between magnetic particles and membranes. The compositemembranes have int rinsic properties of sof t magnetic material.


