UHMWPE 纤维表面处理及其复合材料性能
UHMWPE fibers with surface treatment and its composites properties
摘要: 对超高分子量聚乙烯(U HMWPE) 纤维进行了铬酸液相氧化和上胶剂表面涂覆的复合表面处理, 并对U HMWPE 纤维表面处理前后与几种不同结构的环氧树脂基体制备的复合材料进行界面性能研究。结果表明: 树脂种类对复合材料界面性能略有影响, 但层间剪切强度都较低。对纤维进行单纯的液相氧化和表面涂覆均可以提高复合材料的界面性能, 但液相氧化处理时间过长会使纤维强度降低; 而液相氧化2涂覆的复合处理则具有协同效应, 在不降低纤维强度的同时大幅度提高复合材料的层间剪切强度, 是一种有效的表面处理方法。Abstract: Chromic acid oxidation and sizing agent surface t reatment s were used to modify ult ra high molecularweight polyethylene (U HMWPE) fibers together. The interfacial properties of U HMWPE fiber/ epoxy resin composites were investigated. The result shows that the kinds of resins influence the properties of the composite interface , but the interlaminar shear st rength ( ILSS) of composites is low. Both chromic acid oxidation and sizing agentsurface t reatment s can improve the properties of the composite interface , while the chromic acid oxygen t reatmentweakens the st rength of the fibers if it s t reated time is too long. But the synergy effect s which can improve ILSS ofcomposites obviously without weakening the st rength of the fibers can be achieved by the cooperation of the two different surface t reatment s. This new t reatment is an effective method for surface t reating.