Numerical simulation of erosion for carbon-based compositesimpacted by hypervelocity particles
摘要: 应用动力学理论建立了碳基材料超高速粒子侵蚀的数学模型。在模型中引入了表征材料抵抗侵蚀破坏能力的参数: 冲击破坏侵蚀能和剪切破坏侵蚀能。通过定义多重碰撞修正因子β, 给出了多粒子侵蚀材料体积损失的理论计算公式。计算了石墨和C/ C 靶材在Al2O3粒子撞击下, 体积损失比随粒子入射角及入射速度的变化规律。结果表明, 脆性碳基材料在超高速粒子撞击作用下, 冲击破坏与剪切破坏同时发生, 冲击破坏在材料体积损失中起主导作用。计算结果与已有的实验值吻合较好。Abstract: A numeral model of erosion for carbon-based materials impacted by hypervelocity particles was established based on dynamics. The parameters characterizing the capability of materials resistance to erosion , impactdamage erosion energy and shear damage erosion energy were int roduced in this model. The theoretical formulas ofthe volume loss caused by particles impacting were obtained by defining a multiple impact s modifying factor β. Theextent of erosion of graphite and C/ C composite was calculated while the impact angle and velocity of Al2O3 particlesvaried. The result s indicate that , although both forms of mechanical damage would take place simultaneously , themechanism of carbon-based materials appears to be the impact damage caused by normal force. The calculationresult s achieved by the present method well agree with the experimental data in the related literature.
- carbon-based materials /
- particle /
- impact /
- erosion
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