
张学军, 郑永挺, 韩杰才

张学军, 郑永挺, 韩杰才. 氮气压力对Si3N4-SiC-TiN陶瓷自蔓延燃烧合成的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2006, 23(3): 123-126.
引用本文: 张学军, 郑永挺, 韩杰才. 氮气压力对Si3N4-SiC-TiN陶瓷自蔓延燃烧合成的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2006, 23(3): 123-126.
ZHANG Xue-jun, ZHENG Yong-ting, HAN Jie-cai. Effect of nitrogen pressure on combustion synthesis of Si3N4-SiC-TiN ceramic[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2006, 23(3): 123-126.
Citation: ZHANG Xue-jun, ZHENG Yong-ting, HAN Jie-cai. Effect of nitrogen pressure on combustion synthesis of Si3N4-SiC-TiN ceramic[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2006, 23(3): 123-126.


基金项目: 国家863 计划资助项目(2002AA332050)

    韩杰才, 教授, 主要从事陶瓷成型方面研究 E2mail : zxj508 @tom. com

  • 中图分类号: TQ174

Effect of nitrogen pressure on combustion synthesis of Si3N4-SiC-TiN ceramic

  • 摘要: 以TiSi2为反应原料, SiC 作稀释剂, 利用自蔓延高温合成(SHS) 方法合成Si3N42SiC2TiN 复相陶瓷。计算了氮气压力对毛坯反应物理论转化率的影响, 并在50 、100 和150 MPa 三种氮气压力下进行了燃烧合成。结果表明, 孔隙率为50 vol %的压坯在三种条件下反应都比较完全, 反应物转化率随氮气压力增加而提高。而孔隙率为40 vol %的压坯在较低氮气压力下燃烧反应变得不完全, 产物中残留大片Si 。当压力为150 MPa 时产物中未出现单质Si 。说明氮气压力增大有利于氮气向反应前沿的渗入, 进而提高反应物的转化率。
    Abstract: The Si3N4-SiC-TiN multiphase ceramic was synthesized f rom TiSi2 and SiC powders by self-propagatinghigh-temperature synthesis in which SiC is acting as a diluent . The effect of nit rogen pressure on the conversiondegree of the reactant was calculated in theory , and combustion synthesis was carried out under nit rogen pressuresof 50 , 100 and 150 MPa , respectively. The result s show that the green part s of 50 vol % porosity are well nit rifiedunder the three pressures , while those of 40 vol % porosity can not be nit rified completely in which agglomerate Si isfound when they were synthesized under lower pressure. However , there is no Si detected in the final product s madeby 40 vol % porosity part s under 150 MPa nit rogen pressure. Accordingly , the high nit rogen pressure is of advantage to the infilt ration of nit rogen and the increase of conversion degree.
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  • 收稿日期:  2005-07-17
  • 修回日期:  2005-10-17
  • 刊出日期:  2006-06-14


