依次将铜离子和十四烷基三丁基季鏻阳离子( TBTP) 与蒙脱土离子交换得到季鏻盐-铜/ 蒙脱土复合材料( TBTP-Cu/ MMT) , 其中铜和季鏻阳离子的质量含量分别为2. 87 %和24. 07 %。热重( TG) 、X 射线衍射(XRD) 分析结果表明, 铜离子和季鏻阳离子确实交换到蒙脱土中, 并且TBTP-Cu/ MMT 中季鏻阳离子的热分解起始温度约为220 ℃, 具有较好的热稳定性。抗菌试验结果表明, TBTP-Cu/ MMT 具有较好的抗菌性能, 对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌最小抑菌浓度(MIC) 分别为12. 5μg·mL-1和200μg·mL-1 。研究了蒙脱土复合材料浓度及与细菌的接触时间对抗菌性能的影响, 发现随着浓度的增加、接触时间的延长, 活菌数减少, 抗菌性能提高; 将100 mg TBTP-Cu/ MMT 在100 mL 蒸馏水中浸泡20 天后, 季鏻阳离子和Cu2+ 的释放量很小, 分别为4. 891 mg·L-1和1. 928 mg·L-1 , 表明TBTP-Cu/ MMT 具有良好的耐水性。
Na-montmorillonite (Na2MMT) was exchanged with Cu2+ and t ributyltet radecyl phosphonium cation( TBTP) in turn by the ion2exchange method. The mass f ractions of TBTP and Cu2+ were 24. 07 % and 2. 87 % ,respectively. The result s of TG and XRD show that Cu2+ and TBTP have been exchanged in montmorillonite , andthe onset decomposition temperature of the quaternary phosphonium cation is about 220 ℃. The antimicrobial experiment indicates that the montmorillonite composite materials ( TBTP-Cu/ MMT) possess wonderful antimicrobialactivity and the minimal inhibitory concent rations (MIC) are 12. 5μg·mL-1 and 200μg·mL-1 against S. aureus andE. col i , respectively. The influences of the concent ration of TBTP-Cu/ MMT and contacting time with bacteria onthe antimicrobial activity of the modified montmorillonite were studied. The result indicates that their antimicrobialactivities increase with increasing the concent ration and contacting time with bacteria. After 100 mg TBTP-Cu/MMT being soaked in water for 20 days , the release amount s of TBTP and Cu2+ f rom the montmorillonite composite materials are only 41891 mg·L-1 and 1. 928 mg·L-1 , respectively.