聚己内酯/ 环氧树脂/ SiO2杂化材料的制备及性能

聚己内酯/ 环氧树脂/ SiO2杂化材料的制备及性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2006, 23(3): 71-76.
引用本文: 聚己内酯/ 环氧树脂/ SiO2杂化材料的制备及性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2006, 23(3): 71-76.
Preparation and properties of polycaprolactone/ epoxy/ sil ica dioxide hybrids[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2006, 23(3): 71-76.
Citation: Preparation and properties of polycaprolactone/ epoxy/ sil ica dioxide hybrids[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2006, 23(3): 71-76.

聚己内酯/ 环氧树脂/ SiO2杂化材料的制备及性能

基金项目: 航空基础科学基金资助项目(04H21009)
  • 中图分类号: TB332

Preparation and properties of polycaprolactone/ epoxy/ sil ica dioxide hybrids

  • 摘要: 采用端硅氧烷基聚己内酯( PCL-TESi) 作为无机前躯物, 通过环氧树脂/ KB-2 的固化反应和PCL-TESi的溶胶2凝胶过程, 制备了聚己内酯/ 环氧树脂/ SiO2 ( PCL/ EP/ SiO2 ) 有机-无机杂化材料。利用红外光谱、透射电镜( TEM) 、热失重分析( TGA) 及在甲苯溶液中的溶胀试验对不同SiO2 含量的杂化材料进行分析。研究发现, 随着PCL-TESi 含量增大杂化体系交联密度降低; 此杂化体系中存在环氧和Si —O —Si 两种交联网络, 微观上形成纳米两相结构; Si —O —Si 交联网络的形成显著提高了材料的耐热性能, 使失重5 %时的热分解温度从120.5 ℃(纯环氧树脂/ KB-2 体系) 提高到277.6 ℃(SiO2质量分数为3. 84 %的杂化体系) 。
    Abstract: A series of organic/ inorganic hybrids involving epoxy resin and t riethoxysilane-terminated polycaprolactone elastomer ( PCL-TESi) were prepared via polymerization of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) withamine curing agent KB-2 and sol-gel process of PCL-TESi. The organic/ inorganic hybrids were characterized byFT-IR , transmission elect ron microscopy ( TEM) , thermogravimetry analysis ( TGA) and swelling in toluene. Theresult s show that the swelling property in toluene , morphologies and thermal degradation of the hybrids are quitedependent on the content of PCL-TESi. The crosslink network density decreases with increasing of the PCL-TESi.And in TEM , the phase separation morphology of these hybrids is found , which resulted f rom the coagulation ofSi —O —Si networks and the curing reaction of the epoxy resin system. Meanwhile , the size of each phase is in nanoscale. And in TG analysis , the characteristic decomposition temperature at 5 % weight loss is evidently increasedf rom 120. 5 ℃of pure cured epoxy to 277. 6 ℃of 3. 84 % SiO2 modified epoxy ; this is due to the existence of Si —O —Si when PCL2TESi is added in the hybrid.
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  • 收稿日期:  2005-06-05
  • 修回日期:  2005-11-21
  • 刊出日期:  2006-06-14


