High temperature thermal chemical ablative calculation for carbon compositematerials by minimization of energy function
摘要: 采用最小能量函数法对碳基复合材料超高温烧蚀气态产物进行了计算。并用“星形”等离子发生器和等离子体火炬对碳基复合材料进行了高温烧蚀实验, 获得了不同温度、压力下的高温烧蚀气态产物光谱。光谱检测的烧蚀气态产物与采用最小能量函数法计算的气态产物完全一致, 表明采用最小能量函数法计算碳基复合材料超高温烧蚀气态产物, 求解方法正确、合理、有效。该方法不仅能够计算不同温度、压力下的碳基复合材料超高温烧蚀气态产物, 还可用来计算混杂碳基复合材料这种更加复杂的烧蚀体系。Abstract: The high temperature thermal chemical ablative result s for carbon composite materials were calculated byminimization of the energy function. The experiment s of the high temperature thermal chemical ablation with archeater and plasma torch were carried out . The spect rum diagnoses of gaseous ablative result s for carbon compositematerials were made . The gaseous ablative result s of spect rum diagnoses are consistent with those of calculation byminimization of the energy function. It confirmed the validity of the thermal chemical ablative calculation by minimization of the energy function for carbon composite materials further. The method calculated the thermal chemicalgaseous ablative results not only for carbon composite materials , but also for complex hybrid carbon composite materials.