偶联剂处理对玻璃纤维/ 尼龙复合材料力学性能的影响

张士华, 陈光, 崔崇, 米成, 顾金萍, 于静静

张士华, 陈光, 崔崇, 等. 偶联剂处理对玻璃纤维/ 尼龙复合材料力学性能的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2006, 23(3): 31-36.
引用本文: 张士华, 陈光, 崔崇, 等. 偶联剂处理对玻璃纤维/ 尼龙复合材料力学性能的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2006, 23(3): 31-36.
ZHANG Shihua, CHEN Guang, CUI Cong, et al. Effect of sil icon coupl ing agent treatment of glass f iber on mechanical properties of GFRMCN[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2006, 23(3): 31-36.
Citation: ZHANG Shihua, CHEN Guang, CUI Cong, et al. Effect of sil icon coupl ing agent treatment of glass f iber on mechanical properties of GFRMCN[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2006, 23(3): 31-36.

偶联剂处理对玻璃纤维/ 尼龙复合材料力学性能的影响

基金项目: 国家“863”计划重大专项资助课题(2002AA2Z4141)
  • 中图分类号: TQ327.1;TB332

Effect of sil icon coupl ing agent treatment of glass f iber on mechanical properties of GFRMCN

  • 摘要: 采用KH-550 和KH-570 两种不同的偶联剂处理玻璃纤维, 得到的玻璃纤维增强铸型(MC) 尼龙复合材料( GFRMCN) 的力学性能差别很大。经过KH-570 处理GFRMCN 力学性能降低, 而经过KH2550 处理能有效提高其力学性能; KH2550 质量分数与处理的玻璃纤维质量分数之间符合定量关系式, 含量为0. 2 %时, GFRMCN的弯曲强度提高了35 % , 弯曲模量提高了72 % , 拉伸强度提高了46 % , 弹性模量提高了88 % , 冲击强度提高了41 %。KH-550 偶联剂在玻璃纤维与尼龙基体之间形成良好界面结合, 达到增强效果; 而未经处理的玻璃纤维断裂时从基体中拔出, 玻纤与尼龙界面相当于缺陷, 使MC 尼龙性能下降。
    Abstract: Different silicon coupling agents ( SCA) cause a large difference in mechanical properties of the glassfiber reinforced MC nylon ( GFRMCN) . The KH-570 SCA makes them decrease while the KH-550 makes themimprove. There is a rational formula between the mass f ractions of KH-550 and glass fiber. When the mass f ractionof KH-550 is 0. 2 % , the bend st rength , bend modulus , tensile st rength , tensile st ress and impact st rength ofGFRMCN are increased by 35 % , 72 % , 46 % , 88 % and 41 % , compared with those of MC nylon. Glass fibers af tersurface t reatment with KH-550 SCA increase the properties of GFRMCN because of a good interface between GFand nylon. However , most glass fibers are drawn out f rom nylon basement if they are not t reated with SCA. Theinterfaces of GF/ nylon become fatal weakness and reduce the properties of GFRMCN.
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  • 收稿日期:  2005-07-24
  • 修回日期:  2005-10-20
  • 刊出日期:  2006-06-14


