
Vibration analysis of laminated shells with magnetostrictive and viscoelastic layers

  • 摘要: 通过理论分析讨论了含磁致伸缩材料和黏弹性材料铺层的层合板壳结构的频率和损失因子。假设黏弹性层仅发生剪切变形, 对磁致伸缩层应用偏置磁场下的线性本构, 推导得到由磁致伸缩层、黏弹性层、复合材料基本层组成的约束阻尼薄壳结构的运动方程, 并求得结构振动频率和损失因子的解。对板、曲板等算例的计算结果表明, 用磁致伸缩材料作约束层可使层合结构损失因子提高。


    Abstract: Analytical solutions of laminated shells with magnetost rictive and viscoelastic layers are presented in thispaper. In the mechanics model , it is assumed that the viscoelastic layer only has shear deformation and the magnetost rictive materials can be studied by employing a biased linear constitution. Solving the motion equations of thelaminated thin shell with magnetost rictive layer , viscoelastic layer and composite layer , the natural f requency andthe loss factor of a st ructure are deduced. The result s show that the loss factor of a laminated st ructure is stepped upby using magnetost rictive material as the const rained layer.


