挤压温度对15 vol %SiCP/ Mg-9Al 镁基复合材料拉伸性能与断口形貌的影响

Influence of extrusion temperature on the tensile properties of15 vol %SiCP/ Mg-9Al composite

  • 摘要: 研究了挤压温度对粉末挤压法制备镁基复合材料室温拉伸性能和断口形貌的影响。实验结果表明: 复合材料在350~450 ℃温度范围内挤压温度越高, SiC 颗粒分布越均匀, 致密度越高, 复合材料强度、延伸率上升;复合材料断裂方式随着挤压温度升高由颗粒/ 基体脱粘向颗粒断裂转变。


    Abstract: The influence of ext rusion temperature on the tensile properties of 15 vol % SiCP / Mg-9Al composite produced by powder ext rusion was investigated. The result s show that between 350~450 ℃, the mechanical propertiesof the composite such as tensile st rength , yield st rength and elongation increase with the increase of the ext rusiontemperature. At the same time , with the increase of ext rusion temperature the f racture mode changes from particle/mat rix debonding to particle f racture.


