
Mechanical behavior and damage tolerance tests of compositesthrough-thickness stitched foam sandwich panels

  • 摘要: 探索了全厚度缝合复合材料闭孔泡沫芯夹层结构低成本制造的工艺可行性及其潜在的结构效益。选用3 种夹层结构形式, 即相同材料和工艺制造的未缝合泡沫芯夹层和缝合泡沫芯夹层结构及密度相近的Nomex 蜂窝夹层结构, 完成了密度测定、三点弯曲、平面拉伸和压缩、夹层剪切、结构侧压和损伤阻抗/ 损伤容限等7 项实验研究。结果表明, 泡沫芯夹层结构缝合后, 显著提高了弯曲强度/ 质量比、弯曲刚度/ 质量比、面外拉伸和压缩强度、剪切强度和模量、侧压强度和模量、冲击后压缩(CAI) 强度和破坏应变。这种新型结构形式承载能力强、结构效率高、制造维护成本低, 可以在飞机轻质机体结构设计中采用。


    Abstract: This study explored the feasibility and potential benefit s provided by the addition of through-thicknessstitched composite closed -cell foam sandwich st ructures. For comparison purposes , unstitched foam and Nomexhoneycomb core sandwich panels were produced using the same face sheet s and manufacturing methodology. Thedensity measurements , flexural testing , flatwise tensile and compression , core shear , edgewise compression , anddamage resistance/ damage tolerance test s were performed. The experimental result s show significant increasing inthe flexural stiffness to mass ratio , flexural st rength to mass ratio , out-of-plane tensile and compression st rength ,core shear st rength and modulus , edgewise compression st rength and CAI st rength and failure st rain of the stitchedfoam sandwich st ructures. This innovative concept of stitched foam sandwich st ructures may be utilized in theaircraf t design of lightweight and low-cost st ructures with higher load-carrying capability , lower manufacturing andmaintaining cost .


