Sound absorption properties of multilayered polymer composites for obl ique incidence
摘要: 研究了多层高分子复合结构在斜入射声波作用下, 各层材料动态力学性能参数和几何参数变化对其吸声性能的影响规律。应用三维传递矩阵数学模型计算了多层复合结构对垂直入射声波的吸声系数, 并与实验结果进行了对比。结果表明计算结果与实验结果基本一致。利用此数学模型分析了各层材料厚度、模量、损耗因子及泊松比变化对吸声性能的影响。分析结果表明, 各因素变化对吸声性能影响较大, 且外层材料性能参数变化对吸声性能的影响明显大于内层材料性能参数变化对吸声性能的影响。Abstract: The aim is to study the effect s of dynamic mechanics properties and geomet rical parameters of each layermaterial on the sound absorption properties of the multilayered polymer composites. A three-dimensional transfermat rix model was presented to simulate the sound absorption coefficient s of the composites. Numerical calculationsfor the composites at normal incident were compared with the experimental result s. It is shown that the calculatedresult s are in agreement with the experimental result s. Based on the three-dimensional t ransfer mat rix model , studies were made to understand the effect s of the geomet rical and physical parameters of each layer materials on thesound absorption properties of composite st ructures. The result s show that the material thickness , modulus , lossfactor and Poisson’s ratio have evident effect s on the sound absorption properties of the composite st ructures. Andthe effect s of the exterior layer material parameters on the sound absorption properties of composite st ructures arelarger than those of the interior layer material parameters on the sound absorption properties.