
Research progress on the moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixture in complex conditions in humid and hot regions

  • 摘要: 水损害是湿热地区沥青混合料破坏的主要形式,严重影响沥青路面服役品质。为明晰湿热地区沥青混合料水损害演化规律,进一步提升沥青面层使用性能,综述了动水冲刷、干湿循环、盐蚀效应等湿热地区典型环境因素及其耦合作用对沥青混合料水稳定性的劣化机制及温-湿-紫外线辐照作用对沥青的老化损伤,梳理了湿热地区沥青混合料水损害发生及时空演化过程,并从功能外掺剂、集料与沥青混合料组成设计三方面总结了沥青混合料水稳定性提升路径。在此基础上,对湿热地区沥青混合料水稳定性研究工作提出了展望,未来应在充分考虑多因素耦合作用下沥青/沥青混合料性能损伤多尺度表征基础上,建立更符合实际工况的湿热地区沥青混合料水稳定性评价体系并提出改善方法,以期为交通强国战略背景下更广路域沥青面层稳定性与耐久性提升提供有益参考。


    Abstract: Water damage is the main form of asphalt mixture damage in humid and hot regions, which seriously affects the service quality of asphalt pavement. In order to clarify the evolution law of water damage of asphalt mixture in humid and hot regions and further improve the service performance of asphalt surface layer, the deterioration mechanism of moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixture caused by typical environmental factors in humid and hot regions such as dynamic water erosion, dry -wet cycle, salt erosion and their coupling effects, as well as the aging damage of asphalt caused by temperature-wet-ultraviolet irradiation were summarized. The occurrence and spatio-temporal evolution of asphalt mixture water damage in humid and hot regions were sorted out, and the improvement path of asphalt mixture moisture susceptibility was summarized from three aspects: functional admixture, aggregate and asphalt mixture composition design. On this basis, the prospects for the research on the moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixture in humid and hot regions are put forward. In the future, an evaluation system for the moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixture in humid and hot regions that is more in line with the actual working conditions should be established based on the multi-scale characterization of performance damage of asphalt/asphalt mixture under the action of multi-factors coupling, and an improvement method should be proposed, aiming to provide a useful reference for improving the stability and durability of asphalt surface in wider road regions under the background of Country with Strong Transportation Network.


