
Effect of high-temperature thermal cycling on mechanical properties and microstructure of 3 D fabric reinforced ceramic matrix composites

  • 摘要: 鉴于立体织物增强陶瓷基复合材料独特的复杂微观结构特性,其应用于热防护材料时,对于高温热循环下的服役寿命预测面临着多重严峻挑战。本文通过多尺度模型并结合仿真分析与试验测试,进行了复合材料在1200℃热循环下微观损伤与力学性能的研究。所构建的多尺度模型描述了经纱和纬纱的编织方式、纤维的几何构型、基体中的孔隙分布情况。所使用的材料本构涵盖了基体的屈服阶段,并考虑了温度相关的循环硬化效应。仿真及试验结果表明,热循环导致的基体开裂和界面脱粘是微观损伤的主要原因,使得复合材料拉伸性能大幅下降。相比之下,弯曲和压缩性能受热循环影响较小。


    Abstract: In view of the unique and complex microstructure characteristics of 3D fabric reinforced ceramic matrix composites, they face multiple severe challenges in predicting their service life under high-temperature thermal cycling when they are used as thermal protection materials. In this paper, the microscopic damage and mechanical properties of composites under 1200°C thermal cycling are studied by using a multi-scale model, combined with simulation analysis and experimental tests. The constructed multi-scale model describes the weaving of warp and weft, the geometry of the fibers, and the pore distribution in the matrix. The material constitutive used covers the yield phase of the matrix and takes into account temperature-dependent cyclic hardening effects. The simulation and experimental results show that the matrix cracking and interface debonding caused by thermal cycling are the main causes of microscopic damage, which greatly reduces the tensile properties of the composites. In contrast, bending and compression properties are less affected by thermal cycling.


