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姜天华 万聪聪 颜斌

姜天华, 万聪聪, 颜斌. BFRP筋与钢-PVA混杂ECC粘结性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(6): 3499-3512. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220819.004
引用本文: 姜天华, 万聪聪, 颜斌. BFRP筋与钢-PVA混杂ECC粘结性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(6): 3499-3512. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220819.004
JIANG Tianhua, WAN Congcong, YAN Bin. Adhesion properties of BFRP reinforcement and steel-PVA hybrid ECC[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(6): 3499-3512. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220819.004
Citation: JIANG Tianhua, WAN Congcong, YAN Bin. Adhesion properties of BFRP reinforcement and steel-PVA hybrid ECC[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(6): 3499-3512. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220819.004


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220819.004
基金项目: 东南沿海工程结构防灾减灾福建省高校工程研究中心基金(201902)

    姜天华,博士,教授,研究方向为 E-mail: wustjth@163.com


    姜天华,博士,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为高性能纤维增强聚合物复合材料及其结构 E-mail: wustjth@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TU377.9+4;TB333

Adhesion properties of BFRP reinforcement and steel-PVA hybrid ECC

Funds: Southeast Coastal Engineering Structure Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Fujian Provincial University Engineering Research Center Fund Project (201902)
  • 摘要: 为研究玄武岩纤维增强树脂复合材料(BFRP)筋与钢-聚乙烯醇混杂纤维增强水泥基复合材料(钢-PVA混杂ECC)的粘结性能,进行系列试验研究与分析。研究表明:在试验钢纤维掺量范围内,钢纤维掺量对试件的力学性能和界面粘结性能均为正面影响,钢-PVA混杂ECC试件的立方体抗压强度随钢纤维掺量增加而增大,增加钢纤维掺量可显著提高BFRP筋与钢-PVA混杂ECC的粘结强度;在试验BFRP筋直径及锚固长度范围内,BFRP筋直径及锚固长度对试件的界面粘结性能均为负面影响,增大BFRP筋直径及锚固长度,BFRP筋与钢-PVA混杂ECC试件的粘结强度均有不同程度的降低。中心拉拔试件粘结强度基本都在5~12 MPa之间。其中,采用0.9vol%钢纤维掺量,BFRP筋直径为8 mm及锚固长度为5d (d为 BFRP 筋的直径)的试件粘结强度最大,为16.82 MPa;而未掺加钢纤维,BFRP筋直径为12 mm及锚固长度为5d的试件粘结强度最小,为5.46 MPa。中心拉拔试件破坏模式分为BFRP筋拔出破坏和BFRP筋拔出-钢-PVA混杂ECC劈裂破坏(拔出-劈裂破坏),所有试件基本都为BFRP筋拔出破坏,仅有少量试件为拔出-劈裂破坏,且只有拔出-劈裂破坏的试件表面与BFRP筋接触部分出现破碎现象。采用四段式(微滑移段、滑移段、下降段和残余段)表达式建立的粘结-滑移模型可以较准确反映BFRP筋与钢-PVA混杂ECC的粘结滑移全过程。基于试验实测粘结强度和抗压强度值,建立了可计算BFRP筋基本锚固长度的表达式。


  • 图  1  中心拉拔试件示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the central pull specimen

    d—Diameter of the BFRP rib anchorage length; PVC—Polyvinyl chloride

    图  2  中心拉拔试验装置

    Figure  2.  Central pull-out test device

    图  3  钢纤维掺量对BFRP筋增强钢-聚乙烯醇(PVA)混杂ECC抗压强度的影响

    Figure  3.  Effect of steel fiber doping on compressive strength of BFRP reinforced steel-polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hybrid ECC

    图  4  钢纤维掺量对BFRP筋增强钢-PVA混杂ECC界面粘结强度的影响

    Figure  4.  Effect of steel fiber doping on interfacial bond strength of BFRP reinforced steel-PVA hybrid ECC

    图  5  BFRP筋直径对BFRP筋增强钢-PVA混杂ECC界面粘结强度的影响

    Figure  5.  Effect of BFRP rib diameter on interfacial bond strength of BFRP reinforced steel-PVA hybrid ECC

    图  6  BFRP筋锚固长度对BFRP筋增强钢-PVA混杂ECC界面粘结强度的影响

    Figure  6.  Effect of BFRP rib anchorage length on interfacial bond strength of BFRP reinforced steel-PVA hybrid ECC

    图  7  BFRP筋增强钢-PVA混杂ECC中心拉拔试件破坏模式

    Figure  7.  Center pull specimen destruction mode of BFRP reinforced steel-PVA hybrid ECC

    图  8  不同参数下BFRP筋增强钢-PVA混杂ECC中心拉拔试件粘结-滑移曲线

    Figure  8.  Bonding-slip curves of BFRP reinforced steel-PVA mixed ECC center pull specimen under different parameters

    图  9  BFRP筋增强钢-PVA混杂ECC试验曲线与拟合曲线对比

    Figure  9.  Comparison of test curves and fitted curves of BFRP reinforced steel-PVA hybrid ECC

    图  10  BFRP筋增强钢-PVA混杂ECC粘结应力传递示意图

    Figure  10.  Schematic diagram of bond stress transfer of BFRP reinforced steel-PVA hybrid ECC

    la—Anchorage length of BFRP bars; τ—Bond strength; AB—Cross-sectional area of BFRP bars; fB—Tensile stress of BFRP bars

    图  11  BFRP筋增强钢-PVA混杂ECC粘结强度与抗压强度的非线性关系

    Figure  11.  Nonlinear relationship between bond strength and compressive strength of BFRP reinforced steel-PVA hybrid ECC

    表  1  纤维各项性能指标

    Table  1.   Fiber performance indicators

    Elastic modulus/
    Tensile strength/
    PVA fiberBundled12 40 42160071.3
    Steel fiberWave type1320022030003-57.5
    Note: PVA—Polyvinyl alcohol.
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    表  2  玄武岩纤维增强树脂复合材料(BFRP)筋基本力学性能

    Table  2.   Basalt fiber reinforced plastics (BFRP) muscle basic mechanics performance

    Diameter/mmTensile strength/MPaElastic modulus/GPaElongation/%Density/(g·cm−3)
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    表  3  工程水泥基复合材料(ECC)配合比

    Table  3.   Engineering cementitious composites (ECC) mix ratio

    Cement/(kg·m−3)Fly ash/(kg·m−3)Sand/(kg·m−3)Water reducer/(kg·m−3)Water/(kg·m−3)PVA fiber/vol%
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    表  4  中心拉拔试件编号参数汇总

    Table  4.   Summary of central pull specimen number parameters

    BFRP bar Steel fiber doping/vol%
    Diameter/mmAnchorage length/mm00.30.60.9
    Notes: S0, S0.3, S0.6 and S0.9—0vol%, 0.3vol%, 0.6vol% and 0.9vol% of the volume of the steel fiber, respectively; 8, 10 and 12—BFRP rib diameters of 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm, respectively; 2.5d, 5d and 7.5d—2.5 times, 5 times and 7.5 times the diameter d of the BFRP rib anchorage length, respectively.
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    表  5  BFRP筋增强钢-PVA混杂ECC粘结-滑移曲线拟合参数

    Table  5.   Bonding-slip curves fitting parameters of BFRP reinforced steel-PVA hybrid ECC

    Specimen numberCMR modelBSP modelGFRP modelBSP modelBSP model full curve
    Notes: α and β—Coefficients to be determined; R2—Correlation coefficient obtained by fitting the bond-slip model; CMR—Cosenza-Manfredi-Realfonzo; BSP—BFRP bars and steel-PVA hybrid ECC; GFRP—GFRP/steel strand fiber composite bars.
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    表  6  BFRP筋基本锚固长度粘结系数K

    Table  6.   Bonding coefficients K for the basic anchor length of BFRP ribs

    Steel fiber doping/vol%Compressive strength/MPaKAverage value
    Average value0.003000.004460.002950.002210.00275
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