
Microstructure model and finite element analysis of mechanical properties of 2D 1×1 biaxial braided composites

  • 摘要: 考虑纤维束相互挤压及横截面形状变化, 采用纤维束截面六边形假设, 建立了二维二轴1×1编织复合材料的参数化单胞结构模型。通过引入周期性位移边界条件, 基于细观有限元方法, 对编织材料的弹性性能进行预测, 讨论了编织角及纤维体积含量对面内弹性常数的影响, 并分析了典型载荷下单胞细观应力场分布。研究表明: 单胞结构模型有效反映了纤维束的空间构型和交织特征, 实现了不同编织工艺参数下模型的快速建立; 基于单胞有限元模型的弹性性能预测结果与试验结果较为吻合; 模型给出了单胞合理的应力场分布, 为二维编织复合材料的结构优化和损伤预测奠定基础。


    Abstract: Based on the assumption of hexagonal cross-section of yarns, a parameterized representative volume element (RVE) of 2D 1×1 biaxial braided composites was established with the consideration of the interaction and the cross-sectional deformation of the yarns. Coupled with the periodical boundary condition, the structural RVE was adopted to predict the elastic properties of the braided composites by the finite element method. The influences of braid angle and fiber volume fraction on the effective elastic constants were studied, and the overall stress distribution nephogram of the RVE under typical loads were obtained and analyzed. The results indicate tha the spatial configuration and the mutual squeezing of the yarns are validly reflected in the RVE, and the structural RVE with different structural parameters can be quickly regenerated, and the prediction results coincide with the experimental data well. The finite element model provides reasonable stress filed, which establishes a good foundation for structure optimization and failure analysis of the 2D braided composites.


