
Static strength reliability and sensitivity analysis of large composite structures based on surrogate models

  • 摘要: 基于代理模型的结构可靠性分析方法目前已有多种代理模型和多种失效概率计算方法,参数灵敏度分析也存在多种灵敏度指标,为探讨大尺寸复合材料结构可靠性分析方法,并研究不同代理模型和计算方法对民机复合材料结构静强度预测结果的差异性,以某型飞机碳纤维复合材料升降舵结构为研究对象,考虑单层板力学性能、厚度、密度和不同部位铺层角度等17种输入变量的不确定性,利用Matlab和Optistruct仿真软件,构建Kriging、PC-Kriging和支持向量回归机(SVR) 3种代理模型,结合蒙特卡洛法(MCS)和Subset两种方法求解结构失效概率,根据代理模型验证误差选取最准确的代理模型计算Morris基本效应筛选指标和Sobol指标,从而获得关键设计参数排序,为民机复合材料结构可靠性设计提供参考。


    Abstract: Multiple surrogate models and multiple calculation methods of structural probability of failure are proposed for the structural reliability analysis based on surrogate model. Multiple sensitivity indices are also proposed for the sensitivity analysis of input variables. For the purpose of studying the reliability analysis methods for large composite structures, and studying the differences among different surrogate models and methods to predict the static strength of composite structures of civil aircrafts, a composite elevator of a certain aircraft was taken as an example. The uncertainty of 17 input variables were considered, including mechanical properties, thickness, density and ply angles. Matlab and Optistruct softwares were used to obtain three surrogate models, including Kriging, PC-Kriging and support vector machine for regression (SVR) models. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) and Subset simulate methods were applied to calculate the structural probability of failure. The best surrogate model can be obtained by comparing validation errors. The critical design parameters can be obtained by the importance ranking based on Morris elementary effects and Sobol indices, which is useful for the design of civil aircraft composite structures.


