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庞育阳, 吕远晨, 王强

庞育阳, 吕远晨, 王强. 氯盐侵蚀环境下液体橡胶改性CFRP-钢界面耐久性[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(6): 3219-3231. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231110.001
引用本文: 庞育阳, 吕远晨, 王强. 氯盐侵蚀环境下液体橡胶改性CFRP-钢界面耐久性[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(6): 3219-3231. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231110.001
PANG Yuyang, LYU Yuanchen, WANG Qiang. Durability of CFRP-steel interface modified by liquid rubber under chlorine salt erosion[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(6): 3219-3231. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231110.001
Citation: PANG Yuyang, LYU Yuanchen, WANG Qiang. Durability of CFRP-steel interface modified by liquid rubber under chlorine salt erosion[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(6): 3219-3231. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20231110.001


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52008377);中国博士后科学基金(2021M692940);河北省自然科学基金(E2023202048)

    王强,博士,讲师,研究方向为FRP筋增强混凝土结构、3D打印混凝土轻量化结构 E-mail:

  • 中图分类号: TB333

Durability of CFRP-steel interface modified by liquid rubber under chlorine salt erosion

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52008377); China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2021M692940); Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (E2023202048)
  • 摘要: 设计了54个碳纤维增强树脂复合材料(CFRP)-钢双搭接试件,研究了液体橡胶改性剂掺量和腐蚀龄期对CFRP-钢改性界面在高温水浴和常温干湿循环两种氯盐侵蚀作用后力学性能的影响。结果表明:在高温水浴及常温干湿循环作用下未改性试件分别呈现CFRP层间剥离破坏和钢/粘结剂界面剥离破坏,而液体橡胶改性试件可将破坏模式转变为粘结剂内聚破坏,其中10wt%液体橡胶提升界面耐久性效果最优,在高温水浴和常温干湿循环氯盐侵蚀180天后,试件极限荷载保留率相较未改性试件分别提升了28.11%和29.94%。基于试验结果,建立了适用于两种氯盐侵蚀环境下的改性界面粘结-滑移模型,模型预测结果与试验结果吻合较好。


    Abstract: Fifty-four carbon fiber reinforced resin composite (CFRP)-steel double lap specimens were designed to study the effects of liquid rubber modifier content and corrosion age on the mechanical properties of CFRP-steel modified interface under the erosion of two kinds of chlorine salts: High temperature water bath and dry-wet cycles at normal temperature. The results show that under the action of high temperature water bath and dry-wet cycles at normal temperature, the unmodified specimens show CFRP interlayer stripping failure and steel/binder interface stripping failure, respectively, while the liquid rubber modified specimens could transform the failure mode into adhesive cohesion failure, among which 10wt% liquid rubber has the best effect on improving interface durability. After 180 days of high temperature water bath and dry-wet cycles chloride salt erosion at normal temperature, the ultimate load retention rates of the specimens increase by 28.11% and 29.94%, respectively, compared with that of the unmodified specimens. Based on the experimental results, modified interface bond-slip models are established which are suitable for two kinds of chlorine salt erosion environments, and the predicted results are in good agreement with the experimental results.


  • 碳纤维增强树脂复合材料(Carbon fiber rein-forced polymer,CFRP) 因其轻质高强、耐久性优异[1-5],已被尝试应用于钢结构的粘结加固领域[6-8]。CFRP与钢板间的粘结界面作为加固体系中的薄弱环节[9-13],其耐久性能易受到高温和腐蚀性溶液的侵入而产生显著退化[14-20]。特别是在沿海地区,由于氯离子的侵蚀,CFRP-钢界面常出现滑移或脱胶等现象,从而导致加固体系失效[21-23]



    试验所采用的钢板为热轧Q235B,厚度为20 mm,CFRP板由天津卡本科技集团股份有限公司提供,厚度和宽度分别为3 mm和20 mm。粘结剂采用天津卡本科技集团股份有限公司生产的碳纤维板胶,环氧树脂与固化剂的质量比为2∶1,试件的胶层厚度均为1 mm,改性胶中液体橡胶的添加量按照环氧树脂胶主剂质量百分比,分别为0wt%、5wt%、10wt%和15wt%,下文中分别用P0、P5、P10和P15表示。粘结剂拉伸试件按照GB/T 2567—2021[27]制作,参考规范GB/T 228.1—2021[28]、ASTM D3039/D3039M—08[29]、ASTM D638—10[30]分别对CFRP板、钢板和粘结剂进行性能测试,结果如表1所示。

    表  1  材料参数
    Table  1.  Material parameters
    Material Yield strength/
    Tensile strength/
    Young's modulus/
    Q235 steel plate 272 414 199 29.40
    CFRP plate 2423 180 1.60
    P0 32.37 5.17 1.17
    P5 31.15 5.00 1.20
    P10 27.03 4.58 1.24
    P15 24.22 4.20 1.26
    Notes: CFRP—Carbon fiber reinforced polymer; The number 0, 5, 10, 15 after P indicates the amount of liquid rubber 0wt%, 5wt%, 10wt%, 15wt% in the modified rubber layer.
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    考虑了氯盐侵蚀的龄期(60天、120天、180天)和腐蚀环境(高温水浴、常温干湿)对液体橡胶改性CFRP-钢界面性能的影响。试件几何尺寸见图1,试验方案细节见表2。试件的制作过程为:制作试件前,对钢板表面进行喷砂处理,采用细砂纸对CFRP板粘贴面进行轻微打磨;使用无水乙醇清洗钢板粘贴面和CFRP板表面,清除砂粒。待固化3~4 h之后,清除CFRP板两侧多余的胶,并在室温下养护14天后将应变片粘贴于CFRP板两侧,应变片自持载端5 mm处开始,均匀设置8个,间距为25 mm。

    图  1  试件尺寸示意图
    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of specimen size
    表  2  试件参数和试验结果
    Table  2.  Scheme of test program and results
    Specimen Exposure time/d Liquid rubber content/
    Ultimate load/kN Average load/kN Failure mode Specimen Exposure time/d Liquid rubber content/
    Ultimate load/kN Average load/kN Failure mode
    A0-0-1 0 0 88.90 87.22 b B120-10-1 120 10 85.86 84.84 a
    A0-0-2 91.47 b B120-10-2 88.20
    A0-0-3 81.29 b B120-10-3 80.45
    A0-5-1 5 84.01 78.63 a+d
    B180-0-1 180 0 59.10 58.36 b
    A0-5-2 76.23 B180-0-2 58.97
    A0-5-3 75.65 B180-0-3 57.02
    A0-10-1 10 81.89 76.79 a B180-10-1 10 73.73 72.97 a
    A0-10-2 75.15 a B180-10-2 70.53
    A0-10-3 73.33 a B180-10-3 74.66
    A0-15-1 15 79.33 76.20 a
    C60-0-1 60 0 82.31 77.63 c
    A0-15-2 76.13 C60-0-2 70.83
    A0-15-3 73.15 C60-0-3 79.75
    B60-0-1 60 0 89.19 91.54 a+c C60-10-1 10 74.22 76.38 a+c
    B60-0-2 88.65 a+c C60-10-2 75.89
    B60-0-3 96.77 a+c C60-10-3 79.02
    B60-5-1 5 87.79 87.91 a+c
    C120-0-1 120 0 53.45 54.83 c
    B60-5-2 88.81 C120-0-2 56.37
    B60-5-3 87.12 C120-0-3 54.67
    B60-10-1 10 84.67 86.55 a
    C120-10-1 10 71.14 73.52 a+c
    B60-10-2 89.51 C120-10-2 75.06
    B60-10-3 85.48 C120-10-3 74.35
    B60-15-1 15 76.63 73.39 a
    C180-0-1 180 0 49.04 49.70 c
    B60-15-2 69.08 C180-0-2 50.80 c
    B60-15-3 74.47 C180-0-3 49.26 c
    B120-0-1 120 0 73.56 74.64 b
    C180-10-1 65.02 a+c
    B120-0-2 71.93 C180-10-2 10 66.76 66.75 a+c
    B120-0-3 78.43 C180-10-3 68.46 a+c
    Notes: Rules of specimen label "***-***-***": Characters before the first "-"—Chloride corrosion environments and corrosion time; Characters between the two "-"—Liquid rubber content; Character after the second "-"—Serial number of the specimen in each group; A—Normal temperature control group; B—High temperature water bath chloride environments; C—Normal temperature wet-dry cycles chloride environments; Failure modes: a—Cohesion failure in adhesive; b—CFRP plate delamination; c—Steel and adhesive debonding failures; d—CFRP plate and adhesive debonding failure.
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    氯盐侵蚀环境采用加速侵蚀[31]进行模拟,采用金城海澜仪器制造厂生产的HH-900型恒温水浴箱添加5%的NaCl溶液实现水浴氯盐侵蚀环境。其高温环境腐蚀制度为20℃氯盐溶液浸泡11 h、50℃浸泡11 h,温度循环周期为24 h,每个间隔的1 h以0.5℃/min的速率调整温度,确保恒温条件[18]。常温干湿循环环境制度设置为20℃氯盐溶液浸泡11 h,20℃烘干11 h,一个干湿循环周期为24 h,每个间隔的1 h用于抽水和放水。

    试验装置如图2所示,本文试件采用上海华龙测试仪器有限公司生产的量程为1000 kN的伺服液压万能试验机加载。加载制度为位移控制,速率为0.18 mm/min。

    图  2  试验装置
    Figure  2.  Experimental setup



    图  3  常温未腐蚀CFRP-钢界面破坏模式
    Figure  3.  Failure mode of CFRP-steel interface without corrosion at normal temperature


    图  4  高温水浴氯盐侵蚀下CFRP-钢界面破坏模式
    Figure  4.  Failure mode of CFRP-steel interface after high temperature water bath chloride erosion


    图  5  常温干湿循环下的CFRP-钢界面破坏模式
    Figure  5.  Failure mode of CFRP-steel interface after normal temperature wet-dry cycles

    高温水浴氯盐侵蚀下腐蚀龄期和液体橡胶掺量对试件极限荷载的影响如图6所示。总体上,未改性试件和5wt%、10wt%液体橡胶掺量的改性试件的极限荷载随腐蚀龄期增加先上升后下降,15wt%液体橡胶掺量试件的极限荷载随腐蚀龄期增加而下降;60天后,未改性试件和5wt%、10wt%液体橡胶掺量改性试件的极限荷载分别上升4.95%、11.80%和12.71%,10wt%液体橡胶掺量对于试件极限荷载提升效果最优。极限荷载上升是由于水分进入粘结剂后促进了后固化,而15wt%液体橡胶掺量试件的极限荷载下降了3.68%,则是由于过高的掺量引起了液体橡胶团聚降低了界面粘结性能[25, 32];120天和180天后,改性试件相较于未改性试件的极限荷载保留率分别提升了24.91%和28.11%,这是由于橡胶颗粒能够与粘结剂分子链产生交联作用,延缓水分在粘结剂中的扩散速度[24]

    图  6  高温水浴氯盐侵蚀下CFRP-钢试件极限荷载
    Figure  6.  Ultimate load of CFRP-steel specimens after chlorinated salt erosion in high temperature water bath


    图  7  常温干湿循环下CFRP-钢试件极限荷载
    Figure  7.  Ultimate load of CFRP-steel specimens after normal temperature wet-dry cycles


    图  8  常温未腐蚀CFRP 板表面应变分布
    Figure  8.  Strain distributions on CFRP plates without corrosion at normal temperature

    图9为高温水浴氯盐侵蚀下CFRP板表面应变分布。在未剥离阶段所有类型试件规律与常温未腐蚀试件相同。在剥离阶段,10wt%液体橡胶掺量改性试件具有最高的剥离应变,并且在改性试件中界面剪应力传递范围增大有利于提高界面延性。随着腐蚀龄期的增长,未改性试件的剥离过程变短, 120天和180天后,未改性试件的最大剥离应变减小,改性试件的最大剥离应变基本不变,在远离CFRP板端部的粘结区域均存在更大的界面剪应力。

    图  9  高温水浴氯盐侵蚀下CFRP 板表面应变分布
    Figure  9.  Strain distributions on CFRP plates after chlorinated salt erosion after high temperature water bath

    图10为常温干湿循环下CFRP板表面应变分布。在未剥离阶段所有类型试件规律与常温未腐蚀和高温水浴氯盐侵蚀下的试件相同。在腐蚀60天后,所有试件在剥离阶段均出现剪应力向自由端传递的现象,随着腐蚀时间变长,钢/粘结剂界面损伤逐渐累积,导致CFRP板应变出现快速下降。120天和180天后,未改性试件中CFRP板应变在5 mm位置处出现下降,其他位置应变均匀上升的情况;改性后的试件剪应力向自由端传递,剥离应变的增大。由CFRP板应变分布及最大剥离应变的变化规律可知,远离加载端的粘结区域均存在更大的界面剪应力。液体橡胶改性界面剪应力传递范围提高,CFRP-钢界面粘结性能保留率提升。

    图  10  常温干湿循环下CFRP 板表面应变分布
    Figure  10.  Strain distribution on CFRP plates after wet-dry cycles at normal temperature


    τ(x)=tfEfdεf(x)dx (1)



    S(xi+1/2)=UCFRP(xi+1/2)Usteel(xi+1/2) (2)





    图  11  高温水浴环境下典型CFRP-钢改性界面的粘结-滑移关系
    Figure  11.  Bond-slip relationship of typical CFRP-steel modified interface after high temperature water bath


    τ={τmax (3)



    {P_{\text{u}}} = 2{b_{\text{f}}}\sqrt {2{G_{\text{f}}}{E_{\text{f}}}{t_{\text{f}}}\left( {1 + \xi } \right)} (4)

    式中:bf是CFRP板的宽度;Gf是界面的断裂能;ξ是CFRP板和钢板的刚度比,即tfbfEf/0.5tsbsEs (tsbsEs分别为钢板的厚度、宽度和弹性模量)。将试验得到的界面断裂能代入式(4)中即可求得试件的极限荷载预测值,表3列出了基于试验数据拟合得到的粘结-滑移关系中的关键参数值和极限荷载预测值。极限荷载试验值与预测值比值的平均值为0.96,变异系数为0.02。

    表  3  高温水浴下CFRP-钢改性界面模型参数
    Table  3.  Model parameters of CFRP-steel modified interface after high temperature water bath
    Specimen τmax/MPa S1/mm S2/mm Sf/mm Gf/(N·mm−1) {P}_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{e}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{p}} /kN {P}_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{p}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{e}} /kN P_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{e}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{p}}/P_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{p}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{e}}
    B0-10-1 25.16 0.0309 0.109 0.210 3.62 81.89 83.27 0.98
    B0-10-2 25.06 0.0308 0.108 0.209 3.60 75.15 83.04 0.91
    B0-10-3 25.26 0.0309 0.108 0.205 3.56 73.33 82.58 0.89
    B60-10-1 25.21 0.0362 0.124 0.252 4.28 84.67 90.55 0.94
    B60-10-2 25.12 0.0352 0.123 0.259 4.36 89.51 91.39 0.98
    B60-10-3 25.16 0.0358 0.123 0.258 4.35 85.48 91.28 0.94
    B120-10-1 24.93 0.0335 0.115 0.245 4.07 85.86 88.30 0.97
    B120-10-2 24.80 0.0328 0.117 0.248 4.11 88.20 88.73 0.99
    B120-10-3 24.85 0.0330 0.114 0.247 4.08 80.45 88.41 0.91
    B180-10-1 24.14 0.0324 0.093 0.193 3.06 73.73 76.56 0.96
    B180-10-2 24.28 0.0318 0.088 0.187 2.97 70.53 75.43 0.93
    B180-10-3 24.32 0.0320 0.095 0.182 2.98 74.66 75.55 0.99
    Notes: τmax—Interface maximum shear stress; S1, S2 and Sf—Characteristic points of the relative slip value of the interface; Gf—Fracture energy of the interface; Pu,exp—Experimental value of bearing capacity; Pu,pre—Predicted value of bearing capacity.
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    图  12  常温干湿环境下典型CFRP-钢改性界面的粘结-滑移关系
    Figure  12.  Bond-slip relationship of typical CFRP-steel modified interface after normal temperature wet-dry cycles
    表  4  常温干湿循环下CFRP-钢改性界面模型参数
    Table  4.  Model parameters of CFRP-steel modified interface after normal temperature wet-dry cycles
    Specimen τmax/MPa S1/mm S2/mm Sf/mm Gf/(N·mm−1) {P}_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{e}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{p}} /kN {P}_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{p}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{e}} /kN P_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{e}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{p}}/P_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{p}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{e}}
    C60-10-1 23.88 0.0284 0.107 0.198 3.31 74.22 79.63 0.93
    C60-10-2 23.84 0.0283 0.108 0.204 3.38 75.89 80.46 0.94
    C60-10-3 23.86 0.0283 0.106 0.205 3.37 79.02 80.35 0.98
    C120-10-1 23.45 0.0281 0.100 0.191 3.08 71.14 76.81 0.93
    C120-10-2 23.48 0.0280 0.101 0.194 3.15 75.06 77.68 0.97
    C120-10-3 23.51 0.0280 0.102 0.195 3.16 74.35 77.80 0.96
    C180-10-1 20.56 0.0281 0.095 0.182 2.59 65.02 70.44 0.92
    C180-10-2 20.53 0.0280 0.096 0.181 2.56 66.76 70.03 0.95
    C180-10-3 20.58 0.0279 0.096 0.179 2.54 68.46 69.75 0.98
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    (1) 在高温水浴氯盐侵蚀下,未改性试件的破坏模式为碳纤维增强树脂复合材料(CFRP)层间剥离破坏,界面性能尚未充分发挥,而掺液体橡胶的改性CFRP-钢试件破坏模式为粘结剂内聚破坏,界面剪应力分布更加均匀,传递范围增大,界面延性得到提升。在腐蚀龄期达到120天和180天后,改性试件极限荷载保留率分别提升了24.91%和28.11%。

    (2) 在常温干湿循环氯盐侵蚀下,未改性试件的破坏模式为钢/粘结剂界面剥离破坏,液体橡胶改性试件破坏模式为粘结剂内聚破坏和钢/粘结剂界面混合破坏。改性试件的界面剪应力分布与高温水浴环境下的改性试件相似,在腐蚀龄期60天、120天和180天后,改性试件的极限荷载保留率比未改性试件分别提升了10.46%、32.88%和29.94%。

    (3) 高温水浴及常温干湿循环氯盐侵蚀下液体橡胶改性试件的粘结-滑移关系均为三折线形状,根据试验结果建立了统一模型,并分别对其关键参数进行标定,为CFRP加固钢结构在氯盐侵蚀下耐久性的优化设计提供依据。

  • 图  1   试件尺寸示意图

    Figure  1.   Schematic diagram of specimen size

    图  2   试验装置

    Figure  2.   Experimental setup

    图  3   常温未腐蚀CFRP-钢界面破坏模式

    Figure  3.   Failure mode of CFRP-steel interface without corrosion at normal temperature

    图  4   高温水浴氯盐侵蚀下CFRP-钢界面破坏模式

    Figure  4.   Failure mode of CFRP-steel interface after high temperature water bath chloride erosion

    图  5   常温干湿循环下的CFRP-钢界面破坏模式

    Figure  5.   Failure mode of CFRP-steel interface after normal temperature wet-dry cycles

    图  6   高温水浴氯盐侵蚀下CFRP-钢试件极限荷载

    Figure  6.   Ultimate load of CFRP-steel specimens after chlorinated salt erosion in high temperature water bath

    图  7   常温干湿循环下CFRP-钢试件极限荷载

    Figure  7.   Ultimate load of CFRP-steel specimens after normal temperature wet-dry cycles

    图  8   常温未腐蚀CFRP 板表面应变分布

    Figure  8.   Strain distributions on CFRP plates without corrosion at normal temperature

    图  9   高温水浴氯盐侵蚀下CFRP 板表面应变分布

    Figure  9.   Strain distributions on CFRP plates after chlorinated salt erosion after high temperature water bath

    图  10   常温干湿循环下CFRP 板表面应变分布

    Figure  10.   Strain distribution on CFRP plates after wet-dry cycles at normal temperature

    图  11   高温水浴环境下典型CFRP-钢改性界面的粘结-滑移关系

    Figure  11.   Bond-slip relationship of typical CFRP-steel modified interface after high temperature water bath

    图  12   常温干湿环境下典型CFRP-钢改性界面的粘结-滑移关系

    Figure  12.   Bond-slip relationship of typical CFRP-steel modified interface after normal temperature wet-dry cycles

    表  1   材料参数

    Table  1   Material parameters

    Material Yield strength/
    Tensile strength/
    Young's modulus/
    Q235 steel plate 272 414 199 29.40
    CFRP plate 2423 180 1.60
    P0 32.37 5.17 1.17
    P5 31.15 5.00 1.20
    P10 27.03 4.58 1.24
    P15 24.22 4.20 1.26
    Notes: CFRP—Carbon fiber reinforced polymer; The number 0, 5, 10, 15 after P indicates the amount of liquid rubber 0wt%, 5wt%, 10wt%, 15wt% in the modified rubber layer.
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    表  2   试件参数和试验结果

    Table  2   Scheme of test program and results

    Specimen Exposure time/d Liquid rubber content/
    Ultimate load/kN Average load/kN Failure mode Specimen Exposure time/d Liquid rubber content/
    Ultimate load/kN Average load/kN Failure mode
    A0-0-1 0 0 88.90 87.22 b B120-10-1 120 10 85.86 84.84 a
    A0-0-2 91.47 b B120-10-2 88.20
    A0-0-3 81.29 b B120-10-3 80.45
    A0-5-1 5 84.01 78.63 a+d
    B180-0-1 180 0 59.10 58.36 b
    A0-5-2 76.23 B180-0-2 58.97
    A0-5-3 75.65 B180-0-3 57.02
    A0-10-1 10 81.89 76.79 a B180-10-1 10 73.73 72.97 a
    A0-10-2 75.15 a B180-10-2 70.53
    A0-10-3 73.33 a B180-10-3 74.66
    A0-15-1 15 79.33 76.20 a
    C60-0-1 60 0 82.31 77.63 c
    A0-15-2 76.13 C60-0-2 70.83
    A0-15-3 73.15 C60-0-3 79.75
    B60-0-1 60 0 89.19 91.54 a+c C60-10-1 10 74.22 76.38 a+c
    B60-0-2 88.65 a+c C60-10-2 75.89
    B60-0-3 96.77 a+c C60-10-3 79.02
    B60-5-1 5 87.79 87.91 a+c
    C120-0-1 120 0 53.45 54.83 c
    B60-5-2 88.81 C120-0-2 56.37
    B60-5-3 87.12 C120-0-3 54.67
    B60-10-1 10 84.67 86.55 a
    C120-10-1 10 71.14 73.52 a+c
    B60-10-2 89.51 C120-10-2 75.06
    B60-10-3 85.48 C120-10-3 74.35
    B60-15-1 15 76.63 73.39 a
    C180-0-1 180 0 49.04 49.70 c
    B60-15-2 69.08 C180-0-2 50.80 c
    B60-15-3 74.47 C180-0-3 49.26 c
    B120-0-1 120 0 73.56 74.64 b
    C180-10-1 65.02 a+c
    B120-0-2 71.93 C180-10-2 10 66.76 66.75 a+c
    B120-0-3 78.43 C180-10-3 68.46 a+c
    Notes: Rules of specimen label "***-***-***": Characters before the first "-"—Chloride corrosion environments and corrosion time; Characters between the two "-"—Liquid rubber content; Character after the second "-"—Serial number of the specimen in each group; A—Normal temperature control group; B—High temperature water bath chloride environments; C—Normal temperature wet-dry cycles chloride environments; Failure modes: a—Cohesion failure in adhesive; b—CFRP plate delamination; c—Steel and adhesive debonding failures; d—CFRP plate and adhesive debonding failure.
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    表  3   高温水浴下CFRP-钢改性界面模型参数

    Table  3   Model parameters of CFRP-steel modified interface after high temperature water bath

    Specimen τmax/MPa S1/mm S2/mm Sf/mm Gf/(N·mm−1) {P}_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{e}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{p}} /kN {P}_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{p}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{e}} /kN P_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{e}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{p}}/P_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{p}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{e}}
    B0-10-1 25.16 0.0309 0.109 0.210 3.62 81.89 83.27 0.98
    B0-10-2 25.06 0.0308 0.108 0.209 3.60 75.15 83.04 0.91
    B0-10-3 25.26 0.0309 0.108 0.205 3.56 73.33 82.58 0.89
    B60-10-1 25.21 0.0362 0.124 0.252 4.28 84.67 90.55 0.94
    B60-10-2 25.12 0.0352 0.123 0.259 4.36 89.51 91.39 0.98
    B60-10-3 25.16 0.0358 0.123 0.258 4.35 85.48 91.28 0.94
    B120-10-1 24.93 0.0335 0.115 0.245 4.07 85.86 88.30 0.97
    B120-10-2 24.80 0.0328 0.117 0.248 4.11 88.20 88.73 0.99
    B120-10-3 24.85 0.0330 0.114 0.247 4.08 80.45 88.41 0.91
    B180-10-1 24.14 0.0324 0.093 0.193 3.06 73.73 76.56 0.96
    B180-10-2 24.28 0.0318 0.088 0.187 2.97 70.53 75.43 0.93
    B180-10-3 24.32 0.0320 0.095 0.182 2.98 74.66 75.55 0.99
    Notes: τmax—Interface maximum shear stress; S1, S2 and Sf—Characteristic points of the relative slip value of the interface; Gf—Fracture energy of the interface; Pu,exp—Experimental value of bearing capacity; Pu,pre—Predicted value of bearing capacity.
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    表  4   常温干湿循环下CFRP-钢改性界面模型参数

    Table  4   Model parameters of CFRP-steel modified interface after normal temperature wet-dry cycles

    Specimen τmax/MPa S1/mm S2/mm Sf/mm Gf/(N·mm−1) {P}_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{e}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{p}} /kN {P}_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{p}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{e}} /kN P_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{e}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{p}}/P_{\mathrm{u},\mathrm{p}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{e}}
    C60-10-1 23.88 0.0284 0.107 0.198 3.31 74.22 79.63 0.93
    C60-10-2 23.84 0.0283 0.108 0.204 3.38 75.89 80.46 0.94
    C60-10-3 23.86 0.0283 0.106 0.205 3.37 79.02 80.35 0.98
    C120-10-1 23.45 0.0281 0.100 0.191 3.08 71.14 76.81 0.93
    C120-10-2 23.48 0.0280 0.101 0.194 3.15 75.06 77.68 0.97
    C120-10-3 23.51 0.0280 0.102 0.195 3.16 74.35 77.80 0.96
    C180-10-1 20.56 0.0281 0.095 0.182 2.59 65.02 70.44 0.92
    C180-10-2 20.53 0.0280 0.096 0.181 2.56 66.76 70.03 0.95
    C180-10-3 20.58 0.0279 0.096 0.179 2.54 68.46 69.75 0.98
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  • 目的 








  • 碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(Carbon fiber reinforced polymer, CFRP) 因其轻质高强、耐久性优异的特点,已被广泛尝试应用于钢结构的粘结加固领域。由于CFRP与钢板间的粘结界面作为加固体系中的薄弱环节,其耐久性能易受到高温和腐蚀性溶液的侵入而产生显著退化。特别是在沿海地区,由于受到氯盐侵蚀界面易出现滑移或脱胶,导致结构承载能力降低,耐久性能不足,而将液体橡胶掺入胶粘剂进行改性增韧可以提高界面的耐久性。


    氯盐侵蚀下试件极限荷载对比 (a) 高温水浴 (b) 常温干湿循环

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  • 收稿日期:  2023-08-18
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