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黄争鸣. 复合材料的力学理论[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(6): 3090-3114. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230117.007
引用本文: 黄争鸣. 复合材料的力学理论[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(6): 3090-3114. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230117.007
HUANG Zhengming. Mechanics theories for composite materials[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(6): 3090-3114. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230117.007
Citation: HUANG Zhengming. Mechanics theories for composite materials[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(6): 3090-3114. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230117.007


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11832014)

    黄争鸣,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为复合材料力学、复合材料加工 E-mail:

  • 中图分类号: O34;TB330.1

Mechanics theories for composite materials

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (11832014)
  • 摘要: 各向同性材料的力学理论已基本完善,但各向异性复合材料的力学理论除线弹性外,皆未成熟,尤其破坏和强度分析,依然还是固体力学面临的一个最大挑战。在过去25年中,为推动复合材料力学学科发展,作者创建了一系列解析理论,包括任意连续纤维、短纤维及颗粒增强复合材料的本构与内应力计算理论-桥联模型,将基体均值应力转换到真实值的真实应力理论,基于物理原理建立的基体破坏准则,预报任意层合结构层间开裂或分层的层间基体应力修正法及超弹性材料的增量型本构理论。基于这些理论,几乎所有两相复合材料的破坏问题,皆有望通过解析公式获得有效解决,只要该复合材料的孔隙率可忽略。其中,桥联模型已得到国内外同行广泛认可,他人应用该理论公开发表的研究论文,已超过250篇。基体真实应力理论,尽管前不久才建立起来,他人应用也已达20篇。本文简要介绍了作者建立的这些理论及如何据此解决众多复合材料挑战性问题。
    Abstract: Whereas mechanics theories for isotropic materials have been nearly matured, essentially only the linear elasticity theories for anisotropic composite materials are well established. All of the other mechanical behaviors of the composites are not well understood. Specifically, the failure and strength analysis for the composites still remains to be one of the greatest challenges in solid mechanics. During the last 25 years, in order to advance the development in the mechanics of composite materials, this author has established a series of analytical theories. They include the constitutive and internal stress calculation theory, named Bridging Model, for composites reinforced with continuous or short fibers or particles, the true stress theory for converting a homogenized stress of the matrix in a composite into a true value, the failure criteria for matrix failures established on a physics based principle, the interlaminar matrix stress modification method for predicting interlaminar fracture or delamination of any laminated structure, and the incremental constitutive relation for hyperelastic materials. Based on these theories, almost all of the failure problems of two-phase composites can be efficiently resolved through analytical formulae, as long as void contents in the composites can be neglected. Amongst, Bridging Model has been known world-widely, and more than 250 publications have been made by people other than the author’s group using Bridging Model as a theoretical tool. Furthermore, the others’ publications based on the matrix true stress theory have reached a number of 20, although this theory has been established only recently by the author. A brief summary on the establishment of the author’s theories and how to apply them to resolve challenging problems in composites and their structures is presented in the paper.
  • 3D机织复合材料具有优异的抗分层、抗冲击、耐疲劳性能及复杂构件近净成型等优点,在航空航天、海洋船舶、军事、建筑、车辆工程和体育等领域得到了广泛应用[1-2]。近年来,人们对大尺寸、复杂外形的3D机织复合材料提出了更多的应用需求[3-4]




    按照3种经纱密度(5.0根/cm、8.0根/cm、10.0根/cm)和3种纬纱密度(2.5根/cm、3.0根/cm、3.5根/cm)制备了9件碳纤维3D机织预制体样件。所有样件的经纱和纬纱均由T800-24 K碳纤维纱线组成,预制体交织方式为一三斜纹层层角联锁结构,如图1所示。预制体内部纬纱呈伸直状态,经纱呈屈曲状态,经、纬纱互相垂直,经纱将纬纱捆绑连接起来。预制体试样的具体参数如表1所示,试样编号中的J表示经纱密度、W表示纬纱密度。例如“J5W2.5”表示该试样经纱密度5根/cm,纬纱密度2.5根/cm。试样设计厚度为5 mm,该厚度指的是该试样被压缩至纤维体积含量55vol%时的厚度,实际上织物在纺织成形后(未受压力的状态下)的实际厚度往往会略高于设计厚度。

    图  1  3D机织预制体示意图:(a) 3D机织结构;(b) 经纱路径
    Figure  1.  Schematic diagrams of 3D woven preform: (a) 3D woven structure; (b) Warp yarn path
    表  1  3D机织预制体结构参数
    Table  1.  Structure parameters of 3D woven preforms
    SampleNumber of warp layerNumber of weft layerApparent thickness/mmWeaving point density/cm−2
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    采用电动裁切机(GD-H690)对预制体进行裁剪。参考标准GB/T 33621—2017[25](三维编织物及其树脂基复合材料弯曲性能试验方法),在岛津实验机(AGS-J1KN)上开展预制体样件的三点弯测试。预制体样件的跨距与厚度之比为8∶1,样件尺寸为100 mm×30 mm×5 mm。将预制体试样放置在三点弯曲支座上,保证左右对称,通过支座上的标尺调节至适当跨距,设定压头加载速率5 mm/min,测试过程中记录载荷-挠度数据。

    为了研究预制体的弯曲变形机制,通过Micro-CT技术获得样件弯曲变形前、后的内部纤维结构。参考三点弯曲夹具的尺寸设计了一种弯曲控形工装,如图2所示。将预制体试样放入控形工装中,通过调节压头位置可以实现不同程度的弯曲变形,锁紧螺栓使弯曲变形得以“固定”。扫描测试时将预制体试样连同控形工装一起放入Micro-CT扫描设备的观测腔室中。本文采用卡尔蔡司Xradia 510 Versa设备开展Micro-CT测试,X射线源的起始能量设置为80 kV/7 W,曝光时间为1 s,图像分辨率为25 μm。

    图  2  3D机织预制体Micro-CT扫描:((a)~(c)) 变形前;((d)~(f)) 变形后
    Figure  2.  Micro-CT test of the 3D woven preform: ((a)-(c)) Before deformation; ((d)-(f)) After deformation

    三点弯曲实验过程中,预制体样件的弯曲变形如图3所示。随着弯曲挠度的增大,试样两端逐渐翘起,变形后的预制体试样呈“V”字形。当弯曲挠度达到10 mm左右时,试样与支座之间开始发生显著滑移。三点弯曲载荷下预制体试样的变形曲率并不均匀,靠近压头的位置曲率较大,两端位置曲率很小,几乎呈平直状态。

    图  3  预制体三点弯曲测试:(a) 0 mm;(b) 2 mm;(c) 4 mm;(d) 6 mm;(e) 8 mm;(f) 10 mm
    Figure  3.  Three-point bending test of the preform: (a) 0 mm; (b) 2 mm; (c) 4 mm; (d) 6 mm; (e) 8 mm; (f) 10 mm

    图4显示了不同结构参数的预制体弯曲载荷-挠度曲线。不同试样的载荷-挠度曲线变化趋势大致相同,曲线均表现出显著的非线性特征,当挠度达到10 mm左右时,弯曲载荷基本达到峰值,弯曲挠度继续增加时,弯曲载荷不再增加,随着试样与支座之间发生滑移,弯曲载荷逐渐下降,直到试样脱离支座。

    图  4  3D机织预制体三点弯曲试样载荷-挠度曲线:((a)~(c)) 经纱密度5根/cm、8根/cm、10根/cm;((d)~(f)) 纬纱密度2.5根/cm、3.0根/cm、3.5根/cm
    Figure  4.  Load-deflection curves of three-point bending samples of 3D woven preform: ((a)-(c)) Warp densities of 5 ends/cm, 8 ends/cm and 10 ends/cm; ((d)-(f)) Weft densities of 2.5 picks/cm, 3.0 picks/cm and 3.5 picks/cm


    织物预制体是一种柔性材料,当弯曲挠度超过某一临界弯曲挠度值dc (dc约为10 mm)时,试样与三点弯曲支座开始发生滑移,随着弯曲挠度的继续增加,试样逐渐脱离支座。因此,本文认为试样弯曲挠度小于dc时为稳定弯曲状态。当弯曲挠度为dc时,载荷值为Fc、载荷累积做功为Ec (对应图5曲线下方的面积)。将Ec定义为试样的临界弯曲能量,表征其抗弯曲性能。

    图  5  3D机织预制体三点弯曲试样临界弯曲能量
    Figure  5.  Critical bending energy of three-point bending sample of 3D woven preform
    Ei—Bending energy under a certain bending deflection; F—Bending load; Fc—Critical bending load value; Fi—Bending load value under a certain bending deflection; d—Bending deflection; dc—Critical bending deflection value; Δd—Unit bending deflection value


    Ec=Ei=FiΔd (1)


    dw=dwarpdweftnwarpN (2)


    图  6  组织点密度对3D机织预制体临界弯曲能量的影响
    Figure  6.  Effect of weaving point density on critical bending energy of 3D woven preform
    Ec—Critical bending energy



    Bwarp=LwarpLbaseLbase (3)


    图  7  3D机织预制体经纱屈曲度的定义:(a) 变形前;(b) 变形后
    Figure  7.  Definition of buckling degree of warp yarn of 3D woven preform: (a) Before deformation; (b) After deformation
    Lbase—Baseline length


    图  8  3D机织预制体:(a) 变形前经纱路径;(b) 变形后经纱路径;(c) 变形前后经纱屈曲度对比
    Figure  8.  3D woven preform: (a) Warp yarn path before deformation; (b) Warp yarn path after deformation; (c) Comparison between buckling degree of warp yarns before and after deformation


    图  9  3D机织预制体表面经纱的局部屈曲
    Figure  9.  Local buckling of the surface warp yarn of 3D woven preform


    图  10  3D机织预制体纬纱列偏转角:(a) 基于Micro-CT图像的测量;(b) 统计结果
    Figure  10.  Weft row deflection angle of 3D woven preform: (a) Measurement based on Micro-CT image; (b) Statistical result


    (1) 碳纤维3D机织预制体的弯曲载荷-挠度曲线表现出显著的非线性特征,经、纬密较大时,预制体结构紧密,不容易发生弯曲变形;

    (2) 预制体样件在三点弯曲测试中挠度小于10 mm时为稳定弯曲变形,临界弯曲能量随着组织点密度的增加线性增大;

    (3) 碳纤维3D机织预制体的弯曲变形由经纱屈曲度变化、局部压缩屈曲和经纬纱层间滑移等微细观变形构成;

    (4) 预制体发生弯曲变形后,其内部的微细观变形并不均匀,不同位置的纤维结构差异较大,会导致最终复合材料力学性能的离散性。

  • 图  1   连续纤维 (a) 和短纤维复合材料 (b) 的代表性单元(RVE)(l/a≈1对应颗粒复合材料)

    Figure  1.   Representative unit (RVE) of a continuous fiber composite (a) and a short fiber composite (b) (l/a≈1 corresponds to a particle composite)

    a—Fiber radius; b—Matrix radius; L—Half length of matrix; l—Half length of fiber; Vf—Fiber volume fraction; (r, q, z)—Cylindrical coordinates; (x1, x2, x3)—Rectandular coordinates; Ω1—A portion of RVE with fiber; Ω2—A portion of RVE without fiber

    图  14   复合材料结构破坏和强度分析流程图

    Figure  14.   A flow chart to show failure analysis and strength predictions for any composite structure

    图  2   超弹性本构模型预报与Treloar的橡胶实验[73]对比:(a) 模量-名义应变(E-εe)曲线;(b) 泊松比-名义应变(ν-εe)曲线;((c)~(e)) 单轴拉伸实验拟合模型参数后预报的单轴拉伸、等值双轴拉伸、纯剪切直到破坏的曲线与实验对比;((f)~(h)) 等值双轴拉伸实验拟合模型参数后预报的单轴拉伸、等值双轴拉伸、纯剪切直到破坏的曲线与实验对比;((i)~(k)) 纯剪切实验拟合模型参数后预报的单轴拉伸、等值双轴拉伸、纯剪切直到破坏的曲线与实验对比

    Figure  2.   Hyperelastic theories verified through Treloar’s test data on a rubber[73]: (a) Modulus versus equivalent strain (E-εe) curves; (b) Poisson’s ratio versus equivalent strain (ν-εe) curves; ((c)-(e)) Comparisons between the measured and predicted uniaxial tension, equalbiaxial tension and pure shear curves by different models fitted with uniaxial tension test data; ((f)-(h)) Comparisons between the measured and predicted uniaxial tension, equalbiaxial tension, pure shear curves by different models fitted with equalbiaxial tension test data; ((i)-(k)) Comparisons between the measured and predicted uniaxial tension, equalbiaxial tension, pure shear curves by different models fitted with pure shear test data

    图  3   对应不同标度应力的复合材料性能示意图

    Figure  3.   Schematic disgram to show composite properties at different scales of stresses

    σ—Stress; ε—Strain; E—Elastic modulus; ET—Hardening modulus

    图  4   RVE界面开裂后纤维和基体之间相对滑移示意图:(a) 纵截面;(b) 横界面

    Figure  4.   Schematic of relative slippage displacement between debonded fiber and matrix interfaces in a RVE: (a) Longitudinal cross-section; (b) Transverse cross-section

    D, D', F—Label of the point; σ12 0—In-plane shear stress applied on the RVE; d—Relatic slippage displacement between debonded fiber and matrix interfaces; Ψ—Half debonding angle

    图  5   机织纤维 (a)、针织纤维 (b)、短纤维增强复合材料 (c) 重复单胞示意图

    Figure  5.   A repeating unit cell for woven fabric composite (a), knitted fabric composite (b), short fiber reinforced composite (c)

    图  6   单向层合板 (a)[88]、多向层合板 (b)[89]中的富树脂界面层

    Figure  6.   Rech resin interlayer in unidirectional laminate (a), muldirectional laminate (b)

    图  7   层合板的双悬臂梁(DCB) (a) 和端部开口弯曲(ENF) (b) 实验和有限元模拟

    Figure  7.   Experimental and finite element approaches on double cantilever beam (DCB) (a) and end-notched flexure (ENF) (b) samples

    H—Thickness of the sample; PI, PII—Peak load of DCB, ENF ; δI, δII—Corresponding displacement; a0—Length of an initial crack

    图  8   (a) 轴向拉伸引起的纤维撕裂破坏;(b) 轴向压缩引起的纤维偏折破坏[91];(c) 轴向加载在纤维偏折坐标系的应力分量

    Figure  8.   (a) Fiber splitting failure under a longitudinal tension; (b) Fiber kinking failure under a longitudinal compression[91]; (c) A longitudinal load induced stress components in the misaligned coordinate system

    σL—Axial stress; τ—Shear stress; θf,00—Initial fiber misalignment angle; σT—Transverse stress; xI1, xI2—Misaligned coordinate system

    图  9   (a) 基体斜截面上拉伸正应力对应的破坏应力状态;(b) 拉伸破坏面包络线由基体拉伸和剪切强度构建的抛物线近似

    Figure  9.   (a) Failure stress state of an inclined cross-section with a positive outward normal stress; (b) Tensile failure envelope approaximated by a parabola determined from matrix’s tensile and shear strengths

    图  10   单向复合材料受横向压缩破坏图

    Figure  10.   Failure disgram of a unidirectional composite under a transverse compression

    x2—Load direction; x3—Fiber direction

    图  11   基体压缩引起的复合材料破坏示意图

    Figure  11.   Schematic of a matrix compression induced composite failure

    {σ11, σ22,...}—Stresses on a unidirectional composite composite; {σn, τnt, τns}—Normal and two shear stresses of the composite on an inclined cross-section; {τmnt, τmn, τmns}—Normal and two shear stresses of the matrix on the inclined cross-section

    图  12   复合材料弱奇异和应力集中截面邻域示意图(t为主层厚)

    Figure  12.   Schematic neibourhoods of weak singularity and stress concentration points in a composite (t is the thickness of a primary layer)

    图  13   任意纤维(编织纤维结构为例)复合材料结构分析示意图

    Figure  13.   Schematic diagram to shown structural analysis for any fibrous composite structure (Using braided fabric composite as an examble)

    表  1   复合材料破坏分类

    Table  1   Classification for composite failures

    Fatal failureFiber tensile failure in a primary layer
    Fiber compressive failure in a primary layer
    Fiber splitting or kinking failure in a primary layer
    Non-fatal failureMatrix tensile failure in a primary layer
    Matrix compressive failure in a primary layer
    Damage type failureInterface crack between fiber and matrix
    Delamination between adjacent primary layers
    Non-fatal failure in a laminated composite
    Strength type failureThere is a fatal failure
    A critical strain is attained after a non-fatal failure
    Ultimate failure of composite structureA strength type failure occurs outside neighborhoods of stress singularity (constrained boundary, loading point, etc.) and week singularity (hole edge, free edge, tapered laminate, etc.)
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    表  2   复合材料结构破坏与强度分析所需材料性能数据

    Table  2   Material property parameters needed for failure and strength analysis of a composite structure

    Fiber elastic constantsMaterial data sheet/fiber supplier/tests on UDEach fiber must provide 5 elastic constants (for transversely isotropic). Can be retrieved from Eqs. (12).
    Fiber tensile & compressive strengthsTests on UD/fiber supplier/material data sheetEach fiber must provide 2 strengths. Can be retrieved from Eqs. (55.1) and (55.2).
    Matrix elastic constantsTests on casting samples of matrix/matrix supplierEach matrix must provide its Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio
    Matrix tensile & shear strengthsTests on casting samples of matrixEach matrix must provide its measured tensile and shear strengths, with shear better obtained on Iosipescu method
    Matrix compressive strengthTransverse compressive strength of UD/test on matrix/matrix supplierEach matrix must provide its compressive strength, best retrieved from Eq. (55.3) with Kc22 determined by Eqs. (56)[50,97]
    Matrix tensile curveTest on casting sample of matrixDefine matrix tensile yield strength and hardening moduli, as long as the piece linear segments are near to the curve
    Matrix compress. curveTest on casting sample of matrixDefine matrix compressive yield strength and hardening moduli, as long as piece linear segments near to the curve
    UD transverse tensile strengthTest on UDEach composite system must provide its transverse tensile strength to understand interface bonding status
    Critical displacements
    δI and δII
    DCB and ENF testsPreferably each pair of two different materials used in the structure should provide the DCB and ENF test data
    Fiber initial misalignmentθf,0c=1.50Empirical data
    Neighborhood rangesn1=4, n2=24Empirical data
    Note: UD—Unidirectional composite.
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