Photothermal self-healing and corrosion resistance of graphene oxide-shape memory epoxy resin/perfluorodecyltrimethoxysilane-polydimethylsiloxane@SiO2 superhydrophobic coatings
摘要: 针对物理损伤修复时间较长、修复率较低及极端条件下不锈钢易被腐蚀等实际问题,本文以具有光热效应的自修复涂层氧化石墨烯-形状记忆环氧树脂(GO-SMEP)为底层,以多级粗糙微纳米结构的超疏水涂层全氟癸基三甲氧基硅烷-聚二甲基硅氧烷@二氧化硅(PFDT-PDMS@SiO2)为表层,基于双层设计获得了一种快速修复物理损伤的光热自修复超疏水涂层GO-SMEP/PFDT-PDMS@SiO2 (GO-SMEP/PPS),并对该涂层的制备优化及其润湿性、光热效应、耐蚀性、自修复等性能进行研究。结果表明,当PDMS∶μ-SiO2∶n-SiO2质量比=1.5∶1∶1,PFDT含量为30wt%时,GO-SMEP/PPS涂层在304不锈钢基底上的超疏水性最佳,并表现出明显的镜面现象及对液滴高度排斥。GO-SMEP/PPS涂层的光热效应随着光热转化剂GO含量的增加而增强,GO含量为0.5wt%的GO-SMEP/PPS涂层经3周期的近红外光循环辐射,其光热效应保持稳定。将GO-SMEP/PPS受损涂层置于808 nm近红外光下,经3 min短时间的辐射,其物理划痕由40 μm修复至1 μm左右,基于修复前后涂层的低频阻抗模量(|Z|0.01 Hz)进一步计算其修复率高达97.5%。交流阻抗谱(EIS)分析表明,GO-SMEP/PPS(0.5wt% GO)涂层的耐蚀性由GO-SMEP底层和PPS表层共同决定,其容抗弧半径大,低频阻抗模量|Z|0.01 Hz高达3.2×105 Ω·cm2,对腐蚀性介质的阻隔性强,表现出良好的耐蚀性。在304不锈钢基底上涂覆该涂层后,所测点蚀电位(Eb=0.263 V)和维钝电流密度(Ip=4.80×10−8 A/cm2)表明对不锈钢防腐效果良好。Abstract:In this paper, based on the two-layer design, a photothermal self-healing superhydrophobiccoating graphene oxide-shape memory epoxy resin (GO-SMEP)/perfluorodecyltrimethoxysilane-polydimethylsiloxane (PFDT-PDMS)@SiO2 (GO-SMEP/PPS) that could quickly repair physical damages was prepared. Aiming to solve the practical problems of the physical damage repair time is long, the repair rate is low, and stainless steel is susceptible to corrosion under extreme conditions for a long time. The double-layer coating was designed by combination of self-healing coating with photothermal effect GO-SMEP and the superhydrophobic coating with multi-level rough micro-nano structure PPS. Furthermore, the preparation optimization of the coating and its wettability, photothermal effect, corrosion resistance, self-healing and other properties were studied.The results show that when mass ratio of PDMS∶μ-SiO2∶n-SiO2=1.5∶1∶1 and the PFDT content is 30wt%, the superhydrophobicity of the GO-SMEP/PPS coating on the 304 stainless steel substrate is the best, and exhibits apparent specularity and high repulsion to droplets. The photothermal effect of the GO-SMEP/PPS coating is enhanced with the increase of the photothermal conversion agent GO content, and the GO-SMEP/PPS coating with a GO content of 0.5wt% is subjected to 3 cycles of near-infrared light cycling radiation, its photothermal effect remains highly stable.The damaged GO-SMEP/PPS coating was placed under 808 nm near-infrared light, and the physical scratches were repaired from 40 μm to about 1 μm after a short period of irradiation for 3 min. Based on the low-frequency impedance modulus of the coating before and after repair (|Z|0.01 Hz) further calculates the restoration rate as high as 97.5%. The AC impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis shows that the corrosion resistance of the GO-SMEP/PPS (0.5wt% GO) coating is jointly determined by the GO-SMEP bottom layer and the PPS surface layer, with the largest capacitive arc radius and the low-frequency impedance modulus |Z|0.01 Hz is as high as 3.2×105 Ω·cm2, which has the strongest barrier to corrosive media and shows good corrosion resistance. After applying the coating on 304 stainless steel substrate, the measured pitting corrosion potential (Eb=0.263 V) and passive current density (Ip=4.80×10−8 A/cm2) shows good corrosion resistance to stainless steel.
1. 试验材料及方法
1.1 原材料
按照3种经纱密度(5.0根/cm、8.0根/cm、10.0根/cm)和3种纬纱密度(2.5根/cm、3.0根/cm、3.5根/cm)制备了9件碳纤维3D机织预制体样件。所有样件的经纱和纬纱均由T800-24 K碳纤维纱线组成,预制体交织方式为一三斜纹层层角联锁结构,如图1所示。预制体内部纬纱呈伸直状态,经纱呈屈曲状态,经、纬纱互相垂直,经纱将纬纱捆绑连接起来。预制体试样的具体参数如表1所示,试样编号中的J表示经纱密度、W表示纬纱密度。例如“J5W2.5”表示该试样经纱密度5根/cm,纬纱密度2.5根/cm。试样设计厚度为5 mm,该厚度指的是该试样被压缩至纤维体积含量55vol%时的厚度,实际上织物在纺织成形后(未受压力的状态下)的实际厚度往往会略高于设计厚度。
表 1 3D机织预制体结构参数Table 1. Structure parameters of 3D woven preformsSample Number of warp layer Number of weft layer Apparent thickness/mm Weaving point density/cm−2 J5W2.5 7 8 6.31 21.88 J5W3.0 6 7 5.89 22.50 J5W3.5 6 7 6.19 26.25 J8W2.5 5 6 6.78 25.00 J8W3.0 5 6 6.60 30.00 J8W3.5 4 5 5.97 28.00 J10W2.5 4 5 6.71 25.00 J10W3.0 4 5 7.00 30.00 J10W3.5 4 5 6.73 35.00 1.2 三点弯曲测试
采用电动裁切机(GD-H690)对预制体进行裁剪。参考标准GB/T 33621—2017[25](三维编织物及其树脂基复合材料弯曲性能试验方法),在岛津实验机(AGS-J1KN)上开展预制体样件的三点弯测试。预制体样件的跨距与厚度之比为8∶1,样件尺寸为100 mm×30 mm×5 mm。将预制体试样放置在三点弯曲支座上,保证左右对称,通过支座上的标尺调节至适当跨距,设定压头加载速率5 mm/min,测试过程中记录载荷-挠度数据。
1.3 Micro-CT测试
为了研究预制体的弯曲变形机制,通过Micro-CT技术获得样件弯曲变形前、后的内部纤维结构。参考三点弯曲夹具的尺寸设计了一种弯曲控形工装,如图2所示。将预制体试样放入控形工装中,通过调节压头位置可以实现不同程度的弯曲变形,锁紧螺栓使弯曲变形得以“固定”。扫描测试时将预制体试样连同控形工装一起放入Micro-CT扫描设备的观测腔室中。本文采用卡尔蔡司Xradia 510 Versa设备开展Micro-CT测试,X射线源的起始能量设置为80 kV/7 W,曝光时间为1 s,图像分辨率为25 μm。
2. 三点弯曲测试结果及分析
2.1 3D机织预制体宏观力学响应
三点弯曲实验过程中,预制体样件的弯曲变形如图3所示。随着弯曲挠度的增大,试样两端逐渐翘起,变形后的预制体试样呈“V”字形。当弯曲挠度达到10 mm左右时,试样与支座之间开始发生显著滑移。三点弯曲载荷下预制体试样的变形曲率并不均匀,靠近压头的位置曲率较大,两端位置曲率很小,几乎呈平直状态。
图4显示了不同结构参数的预制体弯曲载荷-挠度曲线。不同试样的载荷-挠度曲线变化趋势大致相同,曲线均表现出显著的非线性特征,当挠度达到10 mm左右时,弯曲载荷基本达到峰值,弯曲挠度继续增加时,弯曲载荷不再增加,随着试样与支座之间发生滑移,弯曲载荷逐渐下降,直到试样脱离支座。
图 4 3D机织预制体三点弯曲试样载荷-挠度曲线:((a)~(c)) 经纱密度5根/cm、8根/cm、10根/cm;((d)~(f)) 纬纱密度2.5根/cm、3.0根/cm、3.5根/cmFigure 4. Load-deflection curves of three-point bending samples of 3D woven preform: ((a)-(c)) Warp densities of 5 ends/cm, 8 ends/cm and 10 ends/cm; ((d)-(f)) Weft densities of 2.5 picks/cm, 3.0 picks/cm and 3.5 picks/cm当试样经纱密度相同时,纬纱密度越大,弯曲载荷的峰值越大;同样地,当试样纬纱密度相同时,经纱密度越大,弯曲载荷的峰值也越大。这说明3D机织预制体的弯曲性能与试样内部的组织点密度(dw,单位体积内组织点的数量)密切相关,组织点密度越大,试样越不容易发生弯曲变形。
2.2 3D机织预制体临界弯曲能量
织物预制体是一种柔性材料,当弯曲挠度超过某一临界弯曲挠度值dc (dc约为10 mm)时,试样与三点弯曲支座开始发生滑移,随着弯曲挠度的继续增加,试样逐渐脱离支座。因此,本文认为试样弯曲挠度小于dc时为稳定弯曲状态。当弯曲挠度为dc时,载荷值为Fc、载荷累积做功为Ec (对应图5曲线下方的面积)。将Ec定义为试样的临界弯曲能量,表征其抗弯曲性能。
图 5 3D机织预制体三点弯曲试样临界弯曲能量Figure 5. Critical bending energy of three-point bending sample of 3D woven preformEi—Bending energy under a certain bending deflection; F—Bending load; Fc—Critical bending load value; Fi—Bending load value under a certain bending deflection; d—Bending deflection; dc—Critical bending deflection value; Δd—Unit bending deflection value将曲线覆盖区域分为n个宽Δd的狭长矩形,第i个矩形的高度为Fi,则临界弯曲能量Ec可由下式计算:
Ec=∑Ei=∑FiΔd (1) 预制体的弯曲性能与其组织点密度dw有关,dw由下式计算:
dw=dwarpdweftnwarpN (2) 其中:
dwarp 为经纱密度;dweft 为纬纱密度;nwarp 为经纱层数,N=4表示一根经纱上两个相邻组织点跨越的纬纱数量。不同预制体样件的组织点密度如表1中所示。图6给出了预制体临界弯曲能量Ec与组织点密度dw的关联关系。结果显示,Ec随着dw的增加而增大,二者大致呈线性关系。预制体组织点密度越大,纱线排布越紧密、彼此之间的相互约束力越强,因此弯曲变形时所需的临界弯曲能量越大。2.3 3D机织预制体经纱屈曲度变化
Bwarp 来表征变形前后经纱屈曲形态的变化:Bwarp=Lwarp−LbaseLbase (3) 其中:
Lwarp 为经纱实际长度(图7实线长度);Lbase 为基准线长度(图7虚线长度)。弯曲变形前,Lbase 是纱线两端的直线间距。弯曲变形后,基准线随着试样变形为弧线,Lbase 为图7(b)所示的弧线长度,该弧线是连接上下两层纬纱各中心点的样条曲线。预制体弯曲变形前、后,其内部各层经纱的路径分别如图8(a)和图8(b)所示,其中L1~L6表示第1层~第6层经纱。弯曲变形后,预制体样件表层经纱受压、底层经纱受拉,因此不同位置处的经纱屈曲度发生了变化。预制体样件在变形前、后的经纱屈曲度如图8(c)所示。未变形前各层经纱长度基本相同,屈曲度均为0.025。弯曲变形后,底层经纱(L1~L2)在拉伸载荷下伸直,屈曲度降低;中间层经纱(L3~L4)的屈曲度与变形前相比变化不大;表层经纱(L5~L6)在压缩载荷下屈曲度进一步提高。由底层至表层,经纱的屈曲度明显增大,L6经纱的屈曲度比L1经纱提高了98.3%。
2.4 3D机织预制体纬纱列偏转角度
3. 结 论
(1) 碳纤维3D机织预制体的弯曲载荷-挠度曲线表现出显著的非线性特征,经、纬密较大时,预制体结构紧密,不容易发生弯曲变形;
(2) 预制体样件在三点弯曲测试中挠度小于10 mm时为稳定弯曲变形,临界弯曲能量随着组织点密度的增加线性增大;
(3) 碳纤维3D机织预制体的弯曲变形由经纱屈曲度变化、局部压缩屈曲和经纬纱层间滑移等微细观变形构成;
(4) 预制体发生弯曲变形后,其内部的微细观变形并不均匀,不同位置的纤维结构差异较大,会导致最终复合材料力学性能的离散性。
图 1 氧化石墨烯-形状记忆环氧树脂(GO-SMEP)/全氟癸基三甲氧基硅烷-聚二甲基硅氧烷(PFDT-PDMS)@SiO2 (PPS)涂层的制备过程示意图
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the preparation process of graphene oxide-shape memory epoxy resin (GO-SMEP)/perfluorodecyltrimethoxysilane-polydimethylsiloxane (PFDT-PDMS)@SiO2 (PPS) coating
DGEBA—Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether; D-230—Polyetheramine D-230; DMF—Dimethylformamide
图 5 GO-SMEP (a)、PPS (b)、GO-SMEP/PPS (c) 的SEM图像;水滴滴于GO-SMEP (d)、PPS (f)、GO-SMEP/PPS (h) 涂层表面的照片;GO-SMEP (e)、PPS (g)、GO-SMEP/PPS (i) 浸泡在去离子水中的照片;GO-SMEP (j)、PPS (l)、GO-SMEP/PPS (n) 的水接触角;水流射在GO-SMEP (k)、PPS (m)、GO-SMEP/PPS (o) 涂层表面的光学照片
Figure 5. SEM images of GO-SMEP (a), PPS (b), GO-SMEP/PPS (c); Photographs of the GO-SMEP (d), PPS (f), GO-SMEP/PPS (h) coatings with water droplet; Photographs of GO-SMEP (e), PPS (g), GO-SMEP/PPS (i) soaked in deionized in water; Water contact angles of GO-SMEP (j), PPS (l), GO-SMEP/PPS (n) coating; Optical photograph of the surface of GO-SMEP (k), PPS (m), GO-SMEP/PPS (o) coatings with blue drops
图 9 GO-SMEP/PPS(0.5wt%GO)涂层在近红外光下辐射3 min修复前后的表面形貌:(a) 修复前;(b) 修复后;在近红外光下辐射不同时间对应的红外热成像图片:(c) 0 min;(d) 1 min;(e) 2 min;(f) 3 min
Figure 9. Surface morphologies of GO-SMEP/PPS (0.5wt%GO) coatings before and after healing under near-infrared light for 3 min: (a) Before repair; (b) After repair; Corresponding to different time of irradiation under near-infrared light infrared thermal imaging: (c) 0 min; (d) 1 min; (e) 2 min; (f) 3 min
表 1 裸不锈钢、涂覆PPS、SMEP、GO-SMEP及GO-SMEP/PPS涂层的不锈钢基底防腐评价相关参数
Table 1 Corrosion-resistant evaluation parameters of bare stainless steel, stainless steel substrate coated with PPS, SMEP, GO-SMEP and GO-SMEP/PPS coating
Coating Ecorr/V Icorr/A Eb/V Ip/A 304 stainless steel −0.741 6.21×10−5 −0.0137 8.19×10−5 PPS −0.439 1.42×10−5 −0.0103 1.47×10−5 SMEP −0.356 1.922×10−6 −0.0700 3.01×10−7 GO-SMEP −0.240 8.582×10−7 0.1800 2.40×10−7 GO-SMEP/PPS −0.106 2.612×10−8 0.2630 4.80×10−8 Notes: Ecorr—Self-corrosion potential; Icorr—Self-corrosion current density; Eb—Pitting potential; Ip—Passive current density. 表 2 修复前后GO-SMEP/PPS涂层的接触角及滚动角
Table 2 Contact angle and rolling angle of GO-SMEP/PPS coatings before and after healing
CA/(°) SA/(°) 0.1wt%GO 0.5wt%GO 1.0wt%GO 2.0wt%GO 0.1wt%GO 0.5wt%GO 1.0wt%GO 2.0wt%GO Original 154.3° 154.6° 154.8° 154.9° 5.3° 4.9° 4.6° 4.3° Scratched 147.0° 145.4° 146.4° 146.0° 16.6° 17.8° 16.1° 17.0° Healed 152.8° 153.6° 152.9° 152.4° 6.2° 5.2° 5.5° 6.5° -
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