
Tribological properties of PEEK-based composite coatings modified with black phosphorus

  • 摘要: 高性能涂料聚醚醚酮(PEEK)广泛应用于航空航天、机械化工等领域,工业发展对PEEK自润滑性能提出更高要求。以新型二维材料黑磷(BP)为填料,通过浆料刷涂工艺制备了黑磷改性聚醚醚酮自润滑复合涂层,并探究了不同添加比例BP/PEEK复合涂层的显微组织、硬度和摩擦磨损性能。结果表明,黑磷的引入导致涂层粗糙度增加,致密性降低。显微硬度先提高后降低,在1wt% BP时达到的最大值27.2 HV。黑磷发挥了良好的减摩作用,使涂层摩擦系数由0.21降至0.06。磨损率强烈依赖于硬度,在1wt% BP时达到最小值5.35×10−6 mm3·N−1·m−1,相比纯PEEK下降17.1%。纯PEEK磨损机制以磨粒磨损为主,随黑磷含量增加逐渐转变为疲劳磨损。减摩效应归因于磷氧化物和BP对摩擦转移膜的协同促进作用。


    Abstract: High-performance coating polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) has been widely used in fields such as aerospace, mechanical and chemical industry, but industrial development has put forward higher requirements for PEEK's self-lubricating performance. In this work, an emerging two-dimensional black phosphorus (BP) modified PEEK self-lubricating composite coating was prepared by slurry printing techniques, and the microstructure, microhardness and tribological properties of coatings with different BP content were investigated. The results show that the introduction of BP results in the roughening of the coating surface and the reduction of the compactness. The microhardness was first improved, reaching a maximum value of 27.2 HV at 1wt% BP, but subsequently decreased. BP exhibited excellent anti-friction ability, which reduced the friction coefficient of the coating from 0.21 to the lowest value of 0.06. The wear rate was strongly dependent on the microhardness and reached the lowest value of 5.35×10−6 mm3·N−1·m−1 at 1wt% BP, which was 17.1% lower than that of pure PEEK. Pure PEEK suffered primarily from abrasive wear. BP weakened the grooves on the worn surface and transformed the friction mechanism into fatigue wear. The lubricating effect was attributed to the synergistic promotion of the tribo-transfer film formation by phosphorus oxides and BP.


