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刘兴姚, 郭荣鑫, 杨洋, 范正明, 王洋

刘兴姚, 郭荣鑫, 杨洋, 等. 多壁碳纳米管/天然橡胶复合材料压阻传感特性实验分析及理论预测[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(1): 232-243. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220120.007
引用本文: 刘兴姚, 郭荣鑫, 杨洋, 等. 多壁碳纳米管/天然橡胶复合材料压阻传感特性实验分析及理论预测[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(1): 232-243. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220120.007
LIU Xingyao, GUO Rongxin, YANG Yang, et al. Experimental analysis and theoretical prediction to piezoresistance sensing characteristics of multiwalled carbon nanotubes/natural rubber composite[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(1): 232-243. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220120.007
Citation: LIU Xingyao, GUO Rongxin, YANG Yang, et al. Experimental analysis and theoretical prediction to piezoresistance sensing characteristics of multiwalled carbon nanotubes/natural rubber composite[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(1): 232-243. DOI: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220120.007


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11962009)


  • 中图分类号: TB332

Experimental analysis and theoretical prediction to piezoresistance sensing characteristics of multiwalled carbon nanotubes/natural rubber composite

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (11962009)
  • 摘要: 为实现对隔震支座工作性能的有效监测,采用开炼法制备了多壁碳纳米管(MWCNT)/天然橡胶(NR)复合材料,研究了该复合材料在恒应变和间歇加载下的电阻-应变响应行为。结果表明: MWCNT/NR复合材料电阻-应变响应稳定性、重复性、单调性、对称性及“肩峰”效应依赖恒应变载荷;随着间歇时间的增加电阻变化幅值趋于稳定,所建立的理论模型能有效预测该幅值变化。不同脱层形式下MWCNT/NR复合材料表现出不同的压阻行为,采用Digimat和Workbench解释了其响应机制。基于MWCNT导电网络和橡胶材料黏弹性,一个能够完整表征和预测循环电阻-应变响应的数学模型被提出和验证,模型拟合结果与实验结果高度吻合,为实现MWCNT/NR复合材料的工业应用奠定理论基础。
    Abstract: A multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT)/natural rubber (NR) composite was prepared by two-roll method to achieve effective monitoring for the working performance of isolation bearings. The resistance-strain response behaviors of MWCNT/NR composites under constant strain and interval loading were studied. The results show that the stability, repeatability, monotonicity, symmetry and ‘shoulder peak’ effect of the resistance-strain response are depended on the constant strain loading. The variation amplitude of resistance tends to be stable with the increase of interval time, and the change of the amplitude can effectively be predicted via the theoretical model established. The piezoresistance behaviors for MWCNT/NR composite under different delamination forms show distinct characteristic, and the response mechanism is explained by Digimat and Workbench. A mathematical model that can completely characterize and predict the dynamic resistance-strain response was established and verified based on viscoelasticity of NR and conductivity network of MWCNT. The analytical results obtained by mathematical model are in good agreement with the experimental results, which lay a theoretical foundation for the industrial application of MWCNT/NR composites.
  • 隔震支座作为建筑物减隔震系统的重要组成部分,其服役性能演化关系着人们的生命财产安全[1-2],其健康监测成为亟待解决的问题。传统传感器因变形小等特点[3-4]难以满足隔震支座的大变形监测。导电聚合物复合材料结合导电填料高导电性和聚合物基体的大变形等特性,具有满足大变形监测的潜力。经统计,目前,导电聚合物复合材料主要应用于生物医学领域[5-11],缺乏在隔震支座领域的应用研究。碳纳米管因其优异导电性能和大长径比[12-13],是导电聚合物复合材料首选填料之一,天然橡胶作为隔震支座最常用橡胶材料,克服了传感材料与隔震支座间的兼容性问题[14],是隔震支座健康监测用传感材料的理想选择。




    天然胶乳(NRL,固含量60wt%)购自正茂石化有限公司。多壁碳纳米管(MWCNT,长10~20 µm,直径4~6 nm,比表面积500~700 m2/g,纯度 > 98%)购自中国科学院成都有机化学有限公司。其他试剂(硫磺、氧化锌、硬脂酸、防老化剂(4010NA)、促进剂(NS)、十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)等)均为市售。所有原材料均未做进一步处理。

    本文采用开炼法制备MWCNT/NR复合材料(该工艺及MWCNT/NR复合材料微观形貌及分散性在文献[22]中已报道),其过程如下:首先,混合搅拌CTAB和NRL,得到混合均匀的CTAB/NRL混合液;其次,将已用去离子水润湿的MWCNTs与CTAB/NRL混合液在开炼机上进行混合,控制混合温度为(35±5)℃,硫化剂缓慢加入,并开炼混合;最后,将开炼后的MWCNT/NR混合物在(155±5)℃、10 MPa下硫化10 min,得到MWCNT/NR导电复合材料。在分析了试样厚度和MWCNT含量对复合材料灵敏性和有效传感应变影响的基础上,本文选择厚度3 mm、MWCNT含量4wt%的MWCNT/NR复合材料进行研究。为了便于测试,所有试样裁剪成尺寸为20 mm×20 mm×3 mm,通过导电银胶对试样的上下面与铜片进行粘结,采用焊锡方法引出测试导线,如图1所示。

    图  1  压敏测试系统
    Figure  1.  Testing system of compression sensitive
    MWCNT—Multiwalled carbon nanotubes; NR—Natural rubber

    采用多功能试验机(UTM-30,澳大利亚IPC Global)进行加载。为了测量MWCNT/NR复合材料的导电性,数字万用表(Keysight 34410A,是德科技)和两线法被用于电阻数据的采集,如图1所示。


    图  2  多壁碳纳米管(MWCNT)/天然橡胶(NR)复合材料在不同恒应变下的电阻-应变响应(a)、最大灵敏系数(b)和机制示意图(c)
    Figure  2.  Resistance-strain response under different constant strain (a), maximum gauge factor (b) and mechanism diagram (c) of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT)/natural rubber (NR) composite
    R—Resistance values of composites under loading strain; R0—Initial resistance value
    图  3  MWCNT/NR压缩形变及导电网络变化:(a) 位移前;(b) 位移后;(c) 导电网络位移轨迹(灰色阴影表示位移前导电网络结构;红色箭头表示位移较大的MWCNT)
    Figure  3.  Compressive deformation and change of conductive network of MWCNT/NR composite: (a) Without displacement; (b) After displacement; (c) Displacement trajectory of conductive network (Gray shadow represents the structure of conductive network without displacement; Red arrow represents the MWCNT with large displacement)

    MWCNT/NR复合材料在动态压缩应变10%、频率0.2 Hz下的电阻-应变响应如图4所示。图4(a)图4(b)展示了恒应变下MWCNT/NR复合材料循环电阻-应变响应行为。在0%恒应变下,R/R0幅值随着加载循环的进行先增大后逐渐趋于稳定。伴随恒应变的增加,表现出更佳的力电响应稳定性、重复性和单调性(恒应变10%和20%)。恒应变30%下,R/R0幅值随循环次数增加逐渐下降,可能归因于大恒应变下,填料与基体间的界面破坏随后形成新的界面及新的额外导电网络。图4(c)展现了第25个循环(应变10%)时压缩-释放电阻-应变响应行为,恒应变作用消除电阻-应变响应“肩峰”现象,提升其加-卸载对称性和可量化性,表现出良好的电阻-应变响应规律性。恒应变作用下,橡胶基体材料持有反向张力(图4(d)),使MWCNT/NR复合材料导电网络受到类似于双向“负泊松比”结构的作用,削弱橡胶复合材料的应变滞后效应,增强了导电网络的回复能力,消除“肩峰”效应。

    图  4  MWCNT/NR复合材料动态电阻-应变响应((a)~(c))和应力-时间曲线(d)
    Figure  4.  Dynamic resistance-strain response ((a)-(c)) and stress-time curve (d) of MWCNT/NR composites

    为了探讨间歇加载对复合材料导电网络回复和电阻-应变响应的影响,对MWCNT/NR复合材料在恒应变0%和10%下进行如图5(a)所示的间歇加载,间歇加载时间分别为5 s、10 s、30 s、1 min、5 min、10 min、30 min、1 h、3 h、5 h。分析了MWCNT/NR复合材料R/R0峰(谷)值与间歇时间的变化关系(图5(b))。随着间歇时间的增加,R/R0逐渐趋于稳定。较短间歇时间下,由于黏弹性基体材料的应变滞后效应,R/R0变化难以稳定,尤其在恒应变10%下。随着间歇时间的增加,导电网络逐渐回复并趋于稳定,且新导电路径的形成使R/R0谷值逐渐低于其初始值1。

    图  5  MWCNT/NR复合材料间歇加载示意图(a)、传感响应(b)和理论模型预测结果(c)
    Figure  5.  Schematic diagram (a), sensing response (b) and results predicted by the theoretical model (c) of MWCNT/NR composites
    RNt—Resistance value of composite at interval time t; RN0—Resistance value of the composite at the starting point of interval time


    RNtRN0N(t)N(0)=F(t) (1)



    d[F(t)]dt=KijF(t) (2)


    F(t)=F()[F()F(0)]exp(Kijt) (3)

    式中,F()F(0)分别是平衡状态和每个间隔开始时间的导电网络数量分数。通常,Kij 可由下式进行预估[25]

    Kij=c1kTη (4)



    τp0=c2η0kT (5)



    Kij=c1c2τp0 (6)


    τ0=τp0c1c2 (7)


    F(tp)=F()+[F(0)F()]exp(tp/τ0) (8)


    RNtRN0=δF()+δ[F(0)F()]exp(tp/τ0) (9)


    RNtRN0=α+βexp(tp/τ0) (10)




    图  6  外围橡胶层(a)和上下面橡胶层(b)作用下MWCNT/NR复合材料传感特性
    Figure  6.  Sensing property of MWCNT/NR composite circumscribed by outer rubber (a) and upper and lower rubber layers (b)

    进一步评价MWCNT/NR复合材料在隔震支座脱层(脱层:橡胶层与相连接的钢板层脱粘)检测及信息反馈方面的潜力,模拟采用层替式(传感复合材料代替支座某一橡胶层,上下连接钢板作为导电电极)嵌入橡胶隔震支座的MWCNT/NR复合材料在不同恒应变和脱层情况下的电阻-应变响应(应变幅值30%、加载速率20 mm/min),其结果列于图7图7(a)图7(a')为MWCNT/NR复合材料在恒应变0%和下脱层状态下的电阻-应变响应行为,出现显著的负压敏现象,且因接触面脱离而难以获得有效电阻。10%恒应变下,MWCNT/NR复合材料表现出明显的负压敏行为和稳定的“肩峰”现象(图7(b))。同样在下脱层状态,恒应变幅值为20%时,压缩和释放阶段都存在明显的“肩峰”现象,电阻-应变响应单调性和对称性降低,R/R0幅值稳定性下降(图7(c))。相同应变下,上下脱层导致“肩峰”逐渐增大,超越第一峰(图7(d))。随着恒应变的增加,“肩峰”完全淹没第一峰,占据主导(图7(e))。表明MWCNT/NR复合材料具有反馈隔震支座脱层的潜力。

    图  7  不同脱层形式下MWCNT/NR复合材料传感行为:((a)、(a')) 恒应变0%,下脱层;(b) 恒应变10%,下脱层;(c) 恒应变20%,下脱层;(d) 恒应变20%,上下脱层;(e) 恒应变30%,上下脱层
    Figure  7.  Sensing behavior of MWCNT/NR composite at different delamination forms: ((a), (a')) Constant strain 0%, bottom delamination; (b) Constant strain 10%, bottom delamination; (c) Constant strain 20%, bottom delamination; (d) Constant strain 20%, top and bottom delamination; (e) Constant strain 30%, top and bottom delamination

    采用Digimat和Workbench建立含MWCNT导电网络的代表性体积单元,分析不同脱层下MWCNT/NR复合材料形变和导电网络变化形式,如图8所示。下脱层时,复合材料在压缩应变下呈双轴拉伸状态,下部随应变而发生位移(图8(b)),引起下部导电网络更大变形。提取分析X向边部和中部MWCNT相对位移发现,边部MWCNT沿X向位移占据主导,且间距逐渐增大,中部MWCNT相互靠近(图8(c)图9),正是MWCNT/NR复合材料呈正压敏行为的主要原因。图9(a)插图表明,下脱层低变形(低Step end time)下MWCNT边部和中部相对位移均向Z向相互靠近,表明在低应变下(恒应变0%和10%),电阻-应变响应的负压敏现象。上下均脱层时,约束减弱甚至丧失,复合材料及其内部导电网络显著地向四周变形,呈现双向应变效应(图8(d)~8(f)),释放过程中,复合材料上下接触面逐渐减小,导电网络发生剧烈重建,加剧“肩峰”现象(图7(d)图7(e))的形成。

    图  8  不同脱层形式下MWCNT/NR复合材料形变及导电网络变化:((a)~(c)) 下脱层;((d)~(f)) 上下脱层(灰色阴影表示位移前导电网络结构;红色箭头表示位移较大的MWCNT)
    Figure  8.  Deformation and conductivity network changes of MWCNT/NR composites under different delamination forms: ((a)-(c)) Bottom delamination; ((d)-(f)) Top and bottom delamination (Gray shadow represents the structure of conductive network without displacement; Red arrow represents the MWCNT with large displacement)
    图  9  下脱层MWCNT/NR复合材料不同位置的MWCNT间相对位移与加载历程曲线:(a) 试样外围;(b) 试样中部
    Figure  9.  Curves of relative displacement between MWCNT at different location and loading process for MWCNT/NR composite under bottom delamination: (a) Sample periphery; (b) Sample center



    N1(ε)=N01+(εεc)2m (11)



    N2(ε)=k2t=k2ε/˙ε (12)



    N3(ε)=N0(η1η2ekε˙ε) (13)



    N(ε)=N1(ε)+N2(ε)+N3(ε) (14)


    ρ(N(ε))nε=(N1(ε)+N2(ε)+N3(ε))nε (15)


    ρ=ρ0[(1+(εεc)2m)1+ζε˙ε+η1η2ekε˙ε]nε (16)



    L=L0(1+Eε) (17)



    RR0=ρρ0(Eε+1)2 (18)


    RR0=(Eε+1)2[(1+(εεc)2m)1+ζε˙ε+η1η2ekε˙ε]nε (19)


    实验结果与理论模型(式(19))进行拟合,结果如图10(a) (红色曲线)所示。理论与实验结果完美吻合,相对应的拟合参数列于图10(c)中,m值的变化表明,在压缩和释放过程中,导电网络结构存在一定的差异,且在第一个循环后,压缩和释放过程中拟合参数逐渐稳定,表明导电网络结构均分别保持稳定,实现了参数的确定。通过理论模型拟合所得参数对实验结果进行预测,验证了理论模型的合理性和准确性,如图10(a)中绿色曲线所示,其预测最大误差为3.14% (图10(b)),建立了能完整描述MWCNT/NR复合材料压缩循环力电响应的数学模型。

    图  10  MWCNT/NR复合材料的理论模型与实验拟合结果及其预测曲线(a)、模型预测误差分布(b)、模型拟合参数(c)
    Figure  10.  Fitting result of theoretical model and experiment and its prediction curves (a), prediction error distribution (b), fitting parameters (c) of model of MWCNT/NR composite
    E—Tuning parameter; εc—Yield strain; m—Parameter related to fractal structure of conductive network; {n}_{\epsilon }— Exponential scale; \zeta —{k}_{2}{N}_{0} , {k}_{2} —Constant related to matrix properties and conductive network, {N}_{0} —Number of initial conductive networks per unit volume; {\eta }_{1},{\eta }_{2} and k—Constants associated with the destruction and reconstruction of the conductive network


    R=\left(\frac{{N}}{{U}}\right)\left(\frac{{8}{{\text{π}}hl}}{{3}{\gamma }{{a}}^{{2}}{{e}}^{{2}}}\right)\mathrm{e}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{p}\left(\gamma l\right) (20)
    \gamma =\frac{{4}{\text{π}}^{2}\sqrt{{2}{m}\xi }}{{h}} (21)

    式中:N 为形成单个导电路径的粒子数;U 为导电路径总数;h 为Planck常数;l 为相邻导电粒子间最短距离;a2 为有效横截面积;e 为电子电荷;m 是电子质量;ξ 为相邻粒子间势垒的高度。

    当施加单轴应变时,由于相邻导电粒子之间的分离导致电阻发生改变。分离空间距离l随施加的应变ε 线性变化,表示为[30]:

    {l}={l}_{0}{(1+}{V}\varepsilon {)} (22)

    式中:l0 是相邻粒子之间的初始距离;V 为常数。


    {U}=\frac{{{U}}_{{0}}}{{{\rm{exp}}(}{\beta }_{1}{ \varepsilon }+{\beta}_{2}{ \varepsilon }^{2}{}+{\beta}_{3}{ \varepsilon }^{3}{}+{\beta}_{4}{ \varepsilon }^{4}{)}} (23)



    \begin{split} & {R}=\frac{{8}{{\text{π}}nhl}_{0}}{{2}{\gamma }{{U}}_{{0}}^{{2}}{{a}}^{{2}}{{{\rm{e}}}}^{{2}}}{(1+}{V \varepsilon })\\ &\quad{{\rm{exp}}[}\gamma {l}{+(2}{\beta }_{1}+{\gamma}l{V}{)}{ \varepsilon +}{2}{\beta}_{2}{ \varepsilon }^{2}{}+{2\beta}_{3}{ \varepsilon }^{3}{}+{2\beta}_{4}{ \varepsilon }^{4}{]} =\\ &\quad{M}{(1+}{V \varepsilon }{){\rm{exp}}[}\delta {+(2}{\beta}_{1}+\delta {V}{)}{ \varepsilon +}{2}{\beta}_{2}{ \varepsilon }^{2}{}+{2\beta}_{3}{ \varepsilon }^{3}{}+{2\beta}_{4}{ \varepsilon }^{4}{]} \end{split} (24)

    式中:{}{M}{=}\dfrac{{8}{{\text{π}}nhl}_{0}}{{2}{\gamma }{{U}}_{{0}}^{{2}}{{a}}^{{2}}{{{\rm{e}}}}^{{2}}} \delta {=}\gamma {l} n为初始导电粒子数。电阻归一化为 ΔR/R0

    \begin{split}\frac{{\Delta }{R}}{{{R}}_{{0}}}&=\frac{{R}}{{{R}}_{{0}}}-1= { (1+}{V \varepsilon })\\ &\quad{\rm{exp}}{[(2}{\beta}_{1}+\delta {V}{)}{ \varepsilon+}{2}{\beta}_{2}{ \varepsilon }^{2}{}+{2\beta}_{3}{\varepsilon}^{3}{}+{2\beta}_{4}{ \varepsilon}^{4}{]-1}\end{split} (25)


    {{y}}_{{{\rm{CP}}}}{}={\beta }_{1}{ \varepsilon }+{\beta}_{2}{ \varepsilon }^{2}{}+{\beta}_{3}{ \varepsilon }^{3}{}+{\beta}_{4}{ \varepsilon }^{4} (26)
    {{y}}_{{{\rm{TD}}}}={V \varepsilon } (27)
    表  1  公式(25)的拟合参数
    Table  1.  Fitting parameters of equation (25)
    Constant strainβ1β2β3β4VδVGoodness of fit
    0% 0.024 1.149 10.918 −125.490 −0.114 −0.412 0.99
    5% 0.106 −5.376 101.476 −456.155 −0.125 −1.689 0.99
    10% 0.063 −9.600 358.092 −2333.490 −0.145 −0.868 0.99
    20% 0.049 6.538 408.723 −3570.640 −0.376 −0.262 0.99
    30% −0.256 50.409 72.143 −2806.220 −0.517 0.989 0.99
    Notes: β1, β2, β3, β4—Parameters related to the number of conductive paths; V and δ—Constant.
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    图  11  不同恒应变下MWCNT/NR复合材料导电通路(CP) (a)和隧穿距离(TD) (b)的变化
    Figure  11.  Change of conductive paths (CP) (a) and tunning distance (TD) (b) of MWCNT/NR composite under different constant strain

    (1) 恒应变作用提高了多壁碳纳米管(MWCNT)/天然橡胶(NR)复合材料电阻-应变响应稳定性、重复性、单调性和对称性,消除了“肩峰”现象,提升了MWCNT/NR复合材料连续监测隔震支座的潜力。

    (2) 电阻变化幅值随着间歇时间延长趋于稳定,较短间歇时间由于基体材料应变滞后影响导电网络的快速恢复,电阻变化幅值难以稳定。提出并验证间歇时间与电阻变化幅值关系的数学理论模型。

    (3) 不同约束状态下,MWCNT/NR复合材料电阻-应变响应反馈出明显的差异,MWCNT/NR复合材料在隔震支座脱层检测和信息反馈方面具有较大潜力。有限元方法形象解释了各约束下MWCNT/NR复合材料导电网络变化机制。

    (4) 基于碳纳米管间连通性和橡胶材料黏弹性,建立一个能够完整表征压缩循环过程电阻-应变响应的数学模型。理论模型与实验结果高度吻合,各模型参数在第二循环周期后逐渐稳定,实现了对循环加载作用下MWCNT/NR复合材料电阻-应变响应的预测。

  • 图  1   压敏测试系统

    Figure  1.   Testing system of compression sensitive

    MWCNT—Multiwalled carbon nanotubes; NR—Natural rubber

    图  2   多壁碳纳米管(MWCNT)/天然橡胶(NR)复合材料在不同恒应变下的电阻-应变响应(a)、最大灵敏系数(b)和机制示意图(c)

    Figure  2.   Resistance-strain response under different constant strain (a), maximum gauge factor (b) and mechanism diagram (c) of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT)/natural rubber (NR) composite

    R—Resistance values of composites under loading strain; R0—Initial resistance value

    图  3   MWCNT/NR压缩形变及导电网络变化:(a) 位移前;(b) 位移后;(c) 导电网络位移轨迹(灰色阴影表示位移前导电网络结构;红色箭头表示位移较大的MWCNT)

    Figure  3.   Compressive deformation and change of conductive network of MWCNT/NR composite: (a) Without displacement; (b) After displacement; (c) Displacement trajectory of conductive network (Gray shadow represents the structure of conductive network without displacement; Red arrow represents the MWCNT with large displacement)

    图  4   MWCNT/NR复合材料动态电阻-应变响应((a)~(c))和应力-时间曲线(d)

    Figure  4.   Dynamic resistance-strain response ((a)-(c)) and stress-time curve (d) of MWCNT/NR composites

    图  5   MWCNT/NR复合材料间歇加载示意图(a)、传感响应(b)和理论模型预测结果(c)

    Figure  5.   Schematic diagram (a), sensing response (b) and results predicted by the theoretical model (c) of MWCNT/NR composites

    RNt—Resistance value of composite at interval time t; RN0—Resistance value of the composite at the starting point of interval time

    图  6   外围橡胶层(a)和上下面橡胶层(b)作用下MWCNT/NR复合材料传感特性

    Figure  6.   Sensing property of MWCNT/NR composite circumscribed by outer rubber (a) and upper and lower rubber layers (b)

    图  7   不同脱层形式下MWCNT/NR复合材料传感行为:((a)、(a')) 恒应变0%,下脱层;(b) 恒应变10%,下脱层;(c) 恒应变20%,下脱层;(d) 恒应变20%,上下脱层;(e) 恒应变30%,上下脱层

    Figure  7.   Sensing behavior of MWCNT/NR composite at different delamination forms: ((a), (a')) Constant strain 0%, bottom delamination; (b) Constant strain 10%, bottom delamination; (c) Constant strain 20%, bottom delamination; (d) Constant strain 20%, top and bottom delamination; (e) Constant strain 30%, top and bottom delamination

    图  8   不同脱层形式下MWCNT/NR复合材料形变及导电网络变化:((a)~(c)) 下脱层;((d)~(f)) 上下脱层(灰色阴影表示位移前导电网络结构;红色箭头表示位移较大的MWCNT)

    Figure  8.   Deformation and conductivity network changes of MWCNT/NR composites under different delamination forms: ((a)-(c)) Bottom delamination; ((d)-(f)) Top and bottom delamination (Gray shadow represents the structure of conductive network without displacement; Red arrow represents the MWCNT with large displacement)

    图  9   下脱层MWCNT/NR复合材料不同位置的MWCNT间相对位移与加载历程曲线:(a) 试样外围;(b) 试样中部

    Figure  9.   Curves of relative displacement between MWCNT at different location and loading process for MWCNT/NR composite under bottom delamination: (a) Sample periphery; (b) Sample center

    图  10   MWCNT/NR复合材料的理论模型与实验拟合结果及其预测曲线(a)、模型预测误差分布(b)、模型拟合参数(c)

    Figure  10.   Fitting result of theoretical model and experiment and its prediction curves (a), prediction error distribution (b), fitting parameters (c) of model of MWCNT/NR composite

    E—Tuning parameter; εc—Yield strain; m—Parameter related to fractal structure of conductive network; {n}_{\epsilon }— Exponential scale; \zeta —{k}_{2}{N}_{0} , {k}_{2} —Constant related to matrix properties and conductive network, {N}_{0} —Number of initial conductive networks per unit volume; {\eta }_{1},{\eta }_{2} and k—Constants associated with the destruction and reconstruction of the conductive network

    图  11   不同恒应变下MWCNT/NR复合材料导电通路(CP) (a)和隧穿距离(TD) (b)的变化

    Figure  11.   Change of conductive paths (CP) (a) and tunning distance (TD) (b) of MWCNT/NR composite under different constant strain

    表  1   公式(25)的拟合参数

    Table  1   Fitting parameters of equation (25)

    Constant strainβ1β2β3β4VδVGoodness of fit
    0% 0.024 1.149 10.918 −125.490 −0.114 −0.412 0.99
    5% 0.106 −5.376 101.476 −456.155 −0.125 −1.689 0.99
    10% 0.063 −9.600 358.092 −2333.490 −0.145 −0.868 0.99
    20% 0.049 6.538 408.723 −3570.640 −0.376 −0.262 0.99
    30% −0.256 50.409 72.143 −2806.220 −0.517 0.989 0.99
    Notes: β1, β2, β3, β4—Parameters related to the number of conductive paths; V and δ—Constant.
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  • 期刊类型引用(2)

    1. 闫宏远,杨洋,郭荣鑫,范正明. 碳纳米管增强硫化天然橡胶拉伸性能的分子动力学模拟. 固体力学学报. 2023(02): 222-231 . 百度学术
    2. 范正明,杨洋,郭荣鑫,刘兴姚. 加载频率对多壁碳纳米管/天然橡胶复合材料压阻传感行为的影响. 现代化工. 2023(05): 91-95 . 百度学术


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